Monday, March 20, 2006

A New Beginning...

So today has been my first day in my new job. And the first Blog for sometime...

But nothing to report on the exercise front. Still waiting for some stability in my routine in order to get back into that.

I've inadvertently proved that one of my original intentions in starting this Blog has failed. I believe I had the idea that if I publish my training notes - then when I start to waiver on the achievement of my goals - I would receive abuse and encouragement from my ex-training partners.

Well, where are you now?

So it looks like I'll just have to press on myself.

Anyway, the new job is based in the city so it's a bit more of a trek to get here than my old location. I'm relying on public transport and that's so far proved to be not too reliable (is 1h20 usual and/or acceptable for a 40 minute timetabled journey? I think not).

So until I figure out what time I need to leave to get here by an acceptable hour - I'm unlikely to restart the exercise campaign.

Excuses, excuses...