Monday, August 14, 2006

City to Surf Wrap Up...

Having felt crap for the last couple of weeks and losing my voice in the last few days before the big day, I was pleased to finish the race at all.

But to finish in 1:23:41 (on my watch) was excellent - especially as I ran the whole way with a good mate of mine.

KM splits were:

1st km 6:21 0:06:21
2nd km 6:18 0:12:39
3rd km 6:18 0:18:57
4th km 6:06 0:25:03
5th km 5:41 0:30:44
6th km 6:09 0:36:52
7th km 6:35 0:43:28
8th km 5:54 0:49:22
9th km 5:25 0:54:47
10th km 6:17 1:01:04
11th km 6:05 1:07:10
12th km 5:27 1:12:36
13th km 5:21 1:17:57
14th km 5:44 1:23:41

It was a very hot day (by Sydney winter standards) so I had a big problem with staying hydrated. It was apparently a record field too so that made it difficult to get close to the drink stations. I ducked into my company tent for a bite to eat and some more fluids afterwards, but didn't hang around too long.

I didn't bother with the bus queue - preferring to walk back up Bondi Road to the train station.

Another good day. I really enjoy this event and will definitely be back next year - assuming no injuries etc.

Maybe I'll aim to beat my PB set in 1991 of 1:11:48!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Final Training Run, Now Rest...

As it turned out, Sunday's run will be the last training run I do before City to Surf.

I've been hit with a cold. And I've lost my voice. So I'll be dosing up on Cold & Flu tablets and throat lozenges for the next week. No running, just rest and recuperation.

Thankfully, Sunday was a good run. I planned on running for an hour at about 6:20 pace. A nice steady paced run. As it turned out, I felt stronger the further I ran. It must have been the freshly home baked apple and carrot muffin I stuffed down about half an hour before I headed out!

I think I needed to run at a decent pace to get my head straight for next week. It's fine training at 6:00 - 6:20 pace, but as I hope to run further and faster than any training run I've managed so far - that's where I needed a run like I finished.

So 10.93km in 1:00:16 at 5:30 pace. I felt strong even as I finished, but I'd promised to only run for an hour so I could get back and help with some chores. So I'd be confident to run at a similar pace for the full 14km next week. Perhaps the adrenaline may spur me onto something even faster!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Back to the Hill...

Another hill session this morning.

A 1 km warm up in 6:09, then seven repetitions again, this time 'ups' averaged 1:17, 'downs' averaged 2:14. So a bit quicker on the 'ups' today. A 1.59km run home in 8:17 at 5:13/km pace.

It's still very cold and a real struggle to get out of bed. I'll do a long run on Sunday, then ease down next week to rest the old body before City to Surf next Sunday.

I think I'll deserve a bit of a rest after that, so hopefully that'll give the weather some time to warm up!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More Hill Reps...

That was a real struggle to get out of bed this morning.

The alarm went off and my first thought was to reset it and go back to sleep, my second thought was guilt, my third thought was that whether I went out or not wouldn't make any difference to my City to Surf performance, my fourth thought was guilt (again), at which point I stopped thinking and got out of bed!

I headed to the same hill that I did last week. I was a bit slower this time but I did manage one more rep. I tried to concentrate on good breathing, falling up hill and being pulled up hill.

I had a 1km warm-up in 6:39, then seven 'ups' averaged 1:26, 'downs' averaged 2:11. A 1.82km run home in 10:54 at about 6:00/km to finish off.

No problems with the left hamstring... yet.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Yep, disappointing that I haven't been out for a run since Friday. With City to Surf less than 2 weeks away, I really need to take every opportunity.

I do have a bit of a niggle in my left hamstring. I'm not sure if that's something to do with the hill reps on Friday or whether it was some innocuous event over the weekend (nothing too strenuous but plenty of bending and stretching whilst stripping paint off a screen door).

I didn't think it would prevent me going out this morning, but the temperature did! I just reset the alarm and went back to sleep.

Maybe I need to try lunchtime runs while the weather is still so cold...