Tuesday, May 31, 2005

75 days to go...

I was determined to go for a run this morning. I missed Friday (no excuse) and yesterday (I was in Brisbane). It was so cold though. I reckon 7 deg C.

I finished the 5km route with my ears ringing - they were soooo cold. Then the hot shower felt like it was going to burst my ears. Should I really wear a hat, and gloves? I think so.

At least the air feels clean and crisp and good to get into the lungs.

Squash has been put on hold for a few weeks. My squash partner is on stand-by to become a father. Maybe I can use Wednesday evenings for my long run... Hopefully it'll be a bit warmer in the evenings having had the sun shining all day. Better pass that one by the wife first though!

The entries open this Sunday for the City-to Surf, so I must remember to buy the Sun-Herald rather than the Sunday Telegraph this week! Or perhaps I can enter online...

Friday, May 27, 2005

No excuse...

I missed the run this morning for the first time with no excuse. As I recall, my previous misses have been for good reason - illness being the only one I can remember.

I must admit that on poking my nose out of bed this morning, the feel of the cold air did put me off. I heard on the radio that it was only 9 degrees. Unfortunately it's likely to get even colder in the next few months.

I'll miss next Monday morning too as I'm flying up to Brisbane for a day of work.

I should get plenty of exercise over the weekend though as we're due to lay the concrete slab at my father-in law's starting tomorrow morning.

I just need to check that the cement mixer will be there!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

More on Star Wars...

Shirley suggested last night that we watch Return of the Jedi. She wanted to see the scene where Darth Vader dies.

What an excellent idea that proved to be. Even Lian was getting into it - she loved the Ewoks and Chewbacca. My family sitting together, enjoying Star Wars - that made me very happy!

I've read a load of reviews of Revenge of the Sith - of course some good and some not so good. My opinion of it, as I said earlier, is that it's a great introduction to the original movies. Return of the Jedi has much more meaning for me now. The climactic scene involving The Emperor, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are excellent.

And when Princess Leia tells Han Solo that Luke is her brother... Classic!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

82 days to go...

This morning's run proved that there were no after effects from my mystery illness yesterday. I felt just the same whilst plodding around the 5km route. I didn't bother to check the time. I guess it would have been a bit slower than usual though.

I'm pleased that I didn't use yesterday as an excuse to skip the whole week. I would have been so easy.

I managed to recover sufficiently by mid afternoon yesterday to finish off most of the sunroom floor. I just have to fix the moulding round the edges and that's another job done.

The big one is this weekend - my father-in-law's floor slab. We discovered yesterday that the supposedly redundant pipe which he was going to dig out is in fact a groundwater drainage pipe. So we'll have to divert that before the weekend too. He's also decided to put some reinforcement into the slab - just as I suggested 2 weeks ago. So I have to organise that too.

I'll be glad when it's all done.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge of the...

We saw Revenge of the Site last night.

Not that great a film in itself, but as a link or more to the point, as an introduction to the original Star Wars movie - fantastic. I kept going... "aaah that's why" and "oh that's who they are".

Usual excellent effects that you'd expect from a Star Wars movie.

However, I think I was taken over by the Dark Side overnight. I couldn't sleep, had a massive headache, felt sick. So didn't go for a run this morning and didn't go to work either.

Thankfully, a bit of sleep this morning and a cup of tea, and the balance has returned.

It'll give me a chance to finish off the sunroom floor.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars, Citizenship...

Another 5km this morning in about 25 minutes.

No noticeable improvement but I'm pleased I'm keeping going during the week as the weather gets colder.

The entry will open for City to Surf in 2 weekends time, so I'm hoping that will give me the final burst of encouragement to get stuck into those longer weekend runs.

Shirl and I are off to see Revenge of the Sith this Sunday. Most of you will know what a big fan of the Star Wars movies I am. The original Star Wars was the first film I ever saw at the cinema without my parents.

The cinema tickets (La Premiere cinema - with sofa seats) are a gift from my sister-in-law and her husband to celebrate the approval of my Australian Citizenship which will be confirmed at a ceremony at our local Town Hall next Thursday.

So that concludes the news this week.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

89 days to go...

Another dose of glucose before the 5km run this morning.

I don't know whether it's making any difference or whether it's psychological. I am feeling stronger these last few days. No improvement in time though.

Actually, this morning I felt like crap as I got out of bed. I think I may have a bit of a cold coming on. I can feel a sore throat now. I'll pop a few cold & flu tablets and hopefully that'll prevent any disruption.

The depressing thing is that it's only going to get colder heading towards the City to Surf. Those of you who know how I whinged about the winter in UK will realise I hate the cold. Even though we're unlikely to dip below 5 deg C in the early morning - that's bad enough! Lucky I bought the Helly Hanson shirts!!

I've been planning the DIY activities due to be tackled over the next few days.

The concrete slab at my father-in-laws place is a bit of a challenge as I've never done it before. But I'm hoping the thought I'm putting into it up front will pay off. I just hope we have time to prepare the area as my f-in-law wants to finish it this weekend.

I need to check his measurements to ensure we get enough material. He's also talking about digging out an old (I hope) earthenware pipe before we concrete - which is probably the right way to go, but it may mean we need to cover that area with sand so that the broken fragments of pipe don't pierce the Damp Proof sheet.

Then after we lay the sheet we'll have to set in some formwork to break the job in two and as guides to get the slab level.

Shirley's family think I'm fussy, whereas I think they charge into a job without any thought and bungle on through any problems they come across.

This is the reason why I'll be doing whatever jobs I can at my place on my own.

Time for lunch.

Monday, May 16, 2005

13 Weeks to go...

I have been a busy boy. I missed posting Friday because I didn't have spare time at work. Unfortunate really because I'd thought of a different title to these defaults...

It was going to be Abort, Abort!!!

The first Abort was in reference to Thursday night's dinner being aborted in a public toilet on my route. An urgent Number Two rather than a Barf!

The second Abort was in reference to not being able to get my legs going after the first Abort so I walked up the hill to home from there.

I'd slurped down some Lucozade before the run in attempt to give me some energy. I thought it may have been that that caused the urgent sit down.

I tried some Glucose powder this morning, continuing the attempt for an energy boost. This did seem to give the required boost with no consequential effect on my bowels, so I now guess it was just the massive meal I'd had.

Again, no run to talk about over the weekend. So much for my strategy of inviting ridicule / encouragement from readers of this when I slipped from my plan!!!

It was another active weekend though. I finished the mortar rendering on the sunroom wall. It's ready to paint (when Shirley picks the colour). Then I can put down the floor.

I had a bit of practice at the floor laying because Shirley's brother is also laying the similar product. I'm glad that I've seen some problems to avoid and I realise that my nice, uniform, rectangular room will be easier than the cut-outs and 45 degree angles that Thomas and co. had to deal with.

I've also been roped in to help my father-in-law lay a floor slab. It's a fully enclosed basement so I just have to work out whether to cast it in sections or how to level and float it off in one go - as we can't walk round the sides.

Again this is practice for a similar but easier job at our place.

Another couple of busy weekends ahead...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

96 days to go...

Oh I missed noting 100 days to go to City to Surf last Friday.

I can't say I'm on schedule, because I should have been well into the longer Sunday runs by now.

I wonder whether there's another way to get it in? Maybe get up even earlier one day during the week (say Friday) and go for a longer run then. But that would mean my fuel problem would be even worse. I need to try the dextrose drink first to see what effect that has. I'd also have to add an extra run during the week.

So that'd be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday run, Wednesday night squash, Thursday rest day and the long run on Fridays.

We'll see how that plan goes. Need to visit the home brew shop first.

I did the same old 5km route this morning in about 25 minutes - again.

I'm starting to feel stronger up that last rise. Obviously the 'magnet' theory works as well as 'falling up-hill'.

Monday, May 09, 2005

14 Weeks to go...

Did I say cold last week? Well this morning plunged to new depths!

I'm impressed with myself that I even made it out for a run this morning, considering another hectic weekend and the temperature differential between under and out of the covers.

But I did. I even had flashes of an idea to buy a pair of gloves for future runs, but now I realise that would be a bit silly. I warmed up pretty quickly and there's plenty of sunshine on my route.

The 5km (again) was fairly straight forward. I feel as though I've conquered the last few hundred meters up the hill - with the aid of an imaginary magnet situated at the top of said hill exerting it's force and pulling me up. Isn't it bizarre how the mind can trick the body?

I borrowed a book on sports nutrition from a bloke at work. I was particularly interested in a trick to solve my problem of running first thing in the morning and not having any time for a normal snack to get into my system to give me some much needed fuel.

Well apparently my solution is dextrose - a type of sugar which has a very high glycaemic index (i.e. it converts into something usable very quickly) and if taken in liquid will be absorbed very quickly too. It's used in brewing (which is nice) so I'll pay a visit to the local home brew shop and purchase a bag.

I'm hoping that it'll give me some extra zip and start to see some improvement in my week morning runs. I then hope that'll give me the momentum I need to finally start the Sunday longer runs. This weekend was another failure in that department. I just can't get out of the pit early enough and Shirl and Lian are going through a non-church phase so no opportunity to go then either.

I also picked up a local contour map to try to figure out some flat routes. Haven't had a chance to study it yet though.

On other news, I started my next mini-project at home. We have a sunroom off the kitchen which is basically stuck on the original external wall of the house, therefore the bare bricks are visible. So we had the idea to render the brick-work. However, being a perfectionist I realistically doubted my ability to get an even finish with a trowel - so we went for the next option, which over here is called 'bagging'. It's the application of a creamy consistency mortar with a piece of hessian sacking (hence the name) or more commonly these days a sponge is used. It just means that getting a flat finish is not necessary - in fact it's designed to give a rough finish.
So I first decided to fill in the (quite deep) gaps between the bricks with mortar to bring that out to the level of the brick face. The reason for this is because I figured that if I try to 'bag' it in one operation, the deeper mortar at the brick joints will dry slower than the mortar on the face and cause cracks. So that first step was finished on Saturday.

Next weekend will give me a chance to finish the 'bagging'. Then we'll paint it with a bright, light colour. We'll finish the room off with a laminate (wood look) floor to get rid of the old tatty carpet. Should be finished by end of May - easy!

Life goes on...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Starting to Get Colder...

I tried the run this morning without the accompanying music, just to see whether it makes a difference to my concentration / boredom balance.

The fact is that the only difference using the MD player makes is that the headphones keep my ears warm!

It felt sooo cold this morning. I guess it's just the relative drop in temperature rather than the actual temperature because it was probably still about 15 degrees.

It's likely to get colder as we get further into winter. I remember last year when I was getting in the car to drive to work at 6.15am, the temperature often got down to 5 degrees, which for Sydney is bloody cold. Remember we don't have central heating here either.

Anyway, another 5km this morning. No different to any other day really. Still struggle to finish off up that last hill. And my hamstrings really felt tight. Perhaps a massage is in order!

I've also ordered a contour map of our area so I can study it in detail and pick some flatter routes.

Squash tomorrow so no run in the morning.

Monday, May 02, 2005

15 Weeks to go...

Another failure to get up on Sunday and go for a run! Very disappointing!

What have I said all along about forming the habit? Well Sunday is a prime example of that. Running before work during the week is one thing (and a habit that is thankfully set) but that apparently has no effect on the Sunday attempt.

I have to get that longer run started.

So starting this week with a clean slate, I put in the 5km run this morning. It's still a struggle. My mind wanders and I lose a bit of rhythm (what little I had in the first place). Perhaps I need to ditch the MD player. I'll give it a try to see if that makes things easier or harder.

I also need to get hold of a contour map to see if I can find some flat routes! I hate hills!!! My guess is that I've got to run 3km down to the river to get to the flat river bank. But then 3km back up-hill will kill me.

Another 5km tomorrow, squash Wednesday and another 5km Friday. Hopefully finish the week off on Sunday with another run.