Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hill Reps...

I had a bit more time yesterday morning as I had a later start in the City. So I thought I'd make an effort to try some hill reps.

I identified a long hill which increases in gradient closer to the top. It turned out it was about 250m. My results were: 1km warm-up in 6:14, then 6 reps of 1:22 uphill with 2:00 walk downhill, and then 2.04km in 11:28 to finish. Total of 5.74 km in 37:45.

I can certainly feel some sore muscles today, which I don't normally experience - so that must be good, right?

I need to do a few more of these sessions in the next 2 weeks to prepare as much as I can for City to Surf.

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