Friday, June 02, 2006

No More Excuses...

Our HR department at work have recently organised for some of us to take part in the Energy4Life programme.

Basically they assess your body age (as opposed to birth age) taking into account things like blood pressure, cholesterol, fitness, nutrition and lifestyle. They then put you on a 12 week programme and assess your body age again. Obviously the intention is to show a marked improvement based on more exercise, better nutrition etc.

My initial assessment identified my body age as 37 - which I'm fairly pleased with since I am in fact 39! There was no surprises. The assessment identified that whilst I have a reasonable fitness level, my lung capacity is poor. I also need to eat more plant food and fish.

So I certainly realise that one way to improve my lung capacity is with continued aerobic fitness (breath deeper).

Also, it's only 10 weeks this weekend to City to Surf.

So I thought I'd better make sure that over the next 10 to 12 weeks, I get stuck into the fitness and hope that the good habits can be continued.

I figured I'd better address all the little excuses I've had recently for missing training. The main one that I can actually do something about is to get my left heel pain sorted (there's not much I can do about the cold weather).

I went to see a Sports Physician. He advised me that I've bruised my Achilles tendon where it joins the heel bone. The solution is to wear an orthotic insert in my shoes to take some tension out of my Achilles tendon while it heals. No need to stop running - we've caught the problem early.

So, I need to search around for this particular product (Tuli's Heel Cup).

I did get out for a run this morning too. 7.43km in 43:02 at 5:47/km. It does feel good, and with all these little incentives, I'm confident that there'll be more achieved sessions than missed sessions in future!

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