Monday, August 01, 2005

First the Good News...

The good news is that my new gadget is fantastic. I figured out how to set it to Auto-Lap to log each kilometer and I eagerly hooked it up to the computer to download and analyse the results.

The bad news is that I had another failure yesterday, thanks to my own stupidity (or greediness).

I'd planned to go for a long run - 15km - because I'd taken the week off to recover from my cold. I intended to go out before tea to allow my lunch to settle down. We went out for lunch and I had it in mind to have a small tomato based pasta - no fat and not too much protein. So what did I end up with? A huge beef-burger and chips!

We only finished lunch at 1 o'clock and I went out for the run at 3. Anybody guess the outcome? After about 4.5km, I had to stop to walk as my stomach was cramping to the point where I thought I was going to hurl. I still walked to the extremity of that leg of the route and then turned and walked back. I started running again at the 10km mark and finished on 12.98km - in a not so grand total of 1:30:25.

But the good stats were:

1st km in 5:03
2nd km in 5:09
3rd km in 5:07
4th km in 5:48 - starting to slow down here!
11th km in 5:12
12th km in 5:19

The basic software that came with the Forerunner gives a breadcrumb trail map;

a plot of speed or pace or elevation against time or distance;

and a table of lap splits and totals.

For US$20 per year I could subscribe to Google Earth Plus to integrate that with the GPS data and plot the route on the aerial photos. What a great idea - but a luxurious gimmick that I probably can't justify.

Oh, I figured out how to break the news of my new toy to Shirl - but I first had to soften her up with a new food mixer - which cost twice the amount that my new toy, I mean training device, cost!

So I've only got one more weekend before City to Surf to do a long run, unless I restructure the next 2 weeks to do a long run during the week... perhaps in the evening...?


Carolyne said...

Sorry to hear about your poor run, however as you said, quite preductable!

I would suggest you organise a longer mid-week run, rather than wait until next weekend.

Good luck in your training and in the City to Surf.

CJ said...

No, I haven't got my gadget yet. Waiting patiently (finger tapping intensity increasing!) Sounds like you're getting acquainted with all its bits and pieces.