Sunday, October 16, 2005

Wind Sprints...?

Well hardly sprinting, but it was very windy yesterday. A good but tough run.

I managed to avoid the tropical rainstorms. I can just call them tropical since we are just North of the Tropic of Capricorn - in fact I run along the Capricorn Highway! Anyone who checks out the map will see the highway (66) at the South end of the run.

Total distance was 7.05km in 39:00 at an average pace of 5:32/km. So probably a bit too hard for an Easy run but good to keep an even pace never-the-less.

I made a conscious effort to stretch out the left calf / heel afterwards. There is a bit of tenderness there.

I should probably have a rest day today, but there's not much else to do here - even Woolies isn't open on Sunday! And I'm easily diverted during the week, so maybe I should take the opportunity when I can. A real Easy run if anything though (6.00/km pace).


CJ said...

Sounds like you are getting some runs in, even if that is all you're doing there apart from working! I've used my Virtual Partner option (Garmin Girl) a few times now - and I always make sure i finish well ahead of her! However, when I do interval sessions she gets even with me by constantly beeping at me to speed up! Gotta worry!

speedygeoff said...

I like the idea of tropical storms - it gets so cold here; even a top temperature of twenty only last ten minutes. Must find out where you are next year & when visiting friends/relatives up north, drop by.