Monday, July 23, 2007

12.36km LSD...

Now, how does this work again? 19 days since the last run! I blame the weather and a bit of cold & flu.

I'd intended to run the Sutherland to Surf 11km yesterday, but trying to fit that around a load of other plans for the day just didn't work. My hope was that that would kick-start my training again. So I HAD to get out and do something.

I was pleased with the way I felt on the run. No mental or physical barriers appeared to divert me from my plan to run about 10km in an hour. In fact I ran 12.36km in 1:09:09 at 5:35/km pace.

I made a big effort to rehydrate after the run, but I probably didn't eat soon enough. I actually got stuck into one of my tasks - digging out a tree!

So by the end of the day, I was shattered! And today my hips feel a bit sore. Perhaps tomorrow there may be some muscle soreness too from the digging and lifting!

A couple of sessions this week should set me up well for the Bay Run next Sunday. No excuses there because I'm running as part of a team.

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