Tuesday, July 31, 2007

7.08km Bay Run...

Well I failed to get out for a training run since last Sunday, but I had no problem getting out to take part in the Bay Run.

What an excellent event! A bit crowded at the start, but that gave me a chance to warm up.

I'd set my target at 33:00 and I'll have to wait for the official time. I thought my watch told me 33:34, but when I download that to Motionbased - that says 32:36. Either way, I'm happy with that sort of time. Edit: Official time was 33:27.

Lots of room for improvement too. I felt very little strength in my legs towards the end and every little rise was tough!

I don't think I'll solve that by City to Surf time, but I'll try to pace myself with that weakness in mind.

My legs are a bit sore today, but I want to try to get out this week and next to keep as sharp as possible!

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