Friday, August 14, 2009

Bike Project Part I

After finishing City to Surf with what I think is a respectable time, I was keen to get back into cycling to work. I reckon the cycling did make a contribution to my fitness level for C2S.

So I've had an idea to bring a bit more interest and variation into my cycling, by hopping onto a bit of a craze that seems to have hit the cycling world. I've decided to Single Speed my old Raleigh Strada!

I bought that bike in about 1988. It had a lot of good use when I was in the UK, but basically hadn't been used since I went to Hong Kong in 1995. It's been hanging in my basement since we arrived in Australia in 2002 - gathering dust and slowly rusting.

I can't bring myself to sell it - too much sentimental value / not enough actual value, and I can't imagine using it as a road bike - not enough time and too uncomfortable to commute to work. But I've had some inspiration from seeing various articles on Single Speed Bike conversions.

More to follow...

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