Tuesday, June 28, 2005

47 days to go...

Another steady 5.5km this morning.

I'm really spurred on by the successful Sunday runs too. Even with the cold mornings, it's no hassle to get out of bed and get out there. Mind you, the much awaited rain in NSW is now starting to fall so I don't know how I'll cope with a cold, wet morning!

I pushed a bit harder through the middle of the run and finished in a bit quicker time than usual (less than 25 minutes anyway) but I really felt it in the last km or so. It's got to be good though, right?

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

Carolyne said...

G'Day Nottslad,

I came to your blog from the CoolRunning site to see what you had been up to before offering any advice.

A very interesting and comprehensive journal!

I'm glad that I waded through it in chronological order, as it put things in perspective. I have many thoughts (not all running related!), but I will include a few here.

1. Wherever possible try to vary your route from day to day. It is certainly not important to beat your previous time, and running the same course tends to make this the feature.

2. Do include hills, if not everyday, and just aim to continue up them no matter how slowly. One good technique is to not look too far ahead, and keep your eyes focussed 30cm from your feet. It's not steep then! By plodding away you'll be at the top before you know it.

3. Once again on the theme of variation ~ your Sunday run needs to be longer, certainly over the 14km of the City to Surf and preferably over 21km for the Half. Travelling from home to a different starting point, or ideally running with someone else or a group is a good idea.

4. For runs of the distance you are doing, fuel, including high GI sources, shouldn't be necessary. A lot of people can have something before running without adverse effects (not me), and it is generally something one can train the body to do.

It is no wonder that you have hit a bit of a hole after six months of the same routine. Your previous results and ability to run sub 5 minute pace currently certainly shows that you have ability, although varying the pace (an easy pace is valid), distance and terrain is called for.

Keep an eye on Coolrunning for much helpful advice.


P.S. Glad that you are now an Aussie, although I must commiserate in advance for your team’s imminent loss in the Ashes Series.