Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blackwater, Rotation 1 of 5, Day 3 of 11...

Not that I'm counting.

5 rotations puts me at the middle of November. 2 months, which is what they originally said. Although already they're trying to push that out to Christmas. NO BLOODY WAY!!

The upside is that my 2nd rotation falls over a Public Holiday long weekend, so it's been suggested (and far be it from me to steer them in this direction) that it's not worth traveling up for a Tuesday rotation start, back home on Friday, back up again the following Tuesday and back home for the end of the rotation on Friday. Hopefully I can spend that time in Sydney or worst case will be Brisbane. At least I get the long weekend off.

So, what's this place like? Well there's no other way to say it than: it's a shit-hole. What do you expect from a place with the sole purpose of supporting a coal mine?

I'm not going to go into detail - it'll depress me too much.

I'll try to go for a run tonight - partly to keep fit, partly to keep occupied and partly to be able to upload a course to Google Earth so that I see and show where this place is.

Then I'll have the joys of sampling camp food!!

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