Thursday, September 08, 2005

Who Threw that Spanner in the Works...?

It took something big to divert my attention away from the Half Marathon on Sunday, and this has seemed so big that I was about to throw in the towel at one stage!

There's just been a reorganisation at work. I'd been led to believe that my position would basically stay the same but I'd be working for a different group, still based in Sydney.

As it turned out, when the new org chart for that group was issued, my name wasn't on it! So a) I'm pissed off that no-one had the decency to come and advise me of that, and b) it suggests that the work I'd been doing and was intending to do for that new group was worthless!

Thankfully, there were some decent senior managers who did see the worth in what I'm trying to do and they were eager to pounce and grab me before I toddled off down to the Job Centre (via the pub).

However, their immediate need for me is to go to one of our sites for 2 months to sort something out. Anybody heard of Blackwater? No, thought not. It's 200km West of Rockhampton - a huge coal mine where we're building a $200M coal handling plant. Nice!!

It's an 11 days on, 3 days off roster - which means 11 days without my girls - living in a site camp. Hopefully they have a gym and no bar!

Just got to work out the details of when to go. But it's been very distracting these past couple of days.

It does appear to be an opportunity to work within this new group of people and prove hands-on the worth of what I'm trying to do - and therefore secure my long-term future (as much as one can these days). And I'm told that I will still be Sydney based!

The way that this reorganisation has been rolled out has been ridiculous - and it's affected more senior people than me. It's left a real bad taste in many peoples mouths!

So hopefully, I can sort my head out about this whole thing and get out for the Half Marathon on Sunday.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Sorry to hear about the job reorganistion - definitely a distraction you didn't need before the half. Talk about life getting in the way! Hope it hasn't affected your training too much and that you have a good run on Sunday.