Sunday, September 18, 2005

Blackwater, Rotation 1 of 5, Day 6 of 11...

Here I am, early on a Sunday morning, in the site office. 6.00am till 2.30pm today. Then I'll head back to camp, do some laundry (back to Dulwich Hill days...?) and watch the footy on TV.

So after a few days here, I've realised that the situation is bearable - all-be-it in the absence of my girls, although I can speak to them every day on the phone. Yesterday I was entertained by Lian singing and playing The Grand Old Duke of York on her new karaoke piano!

I also managed to get out for a run yesterday evening. The conditions were excellent! Not too hot, the sun was setting, and the roads are DEAD-FLAT! The details were 6.63km in 40:05 at 6:01/km pace. So nice and slow.

I intend to do a longer run this afternoon - after the footy on TV is finished there ain't much else to do!

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