Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Easy Does It...

This morning was meant to be a 5km Easy paced run - so that's 6:00/km.

I didn't take too much notice of what my Imaginary Friend was telling me - I just ran what I thought was a comfortable pace, making sure I made a clean foot strike and breathing well.

It turned out that I finished 5.20km at 5:13/km pace. I really find it difficult to comfortably run any slower. I suspect my heart rate would've been higher than an easy pace is trying to achieve. Good job I don't wear a Heart Rate Monitor!

Coincidentally, 5:13/km is exactly the pace I need to run for 21.1km to achieve my 1:50:00 target. Whilst this mornings 5.20km was easy, I suspect Sunday may be considerably tougher.

Still some soreness in the left heel. So I will run no more before Sunday. Just have a stretch and remember to warm up properly.

So next post should be Monday with a report!

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