Monday, July 18, 2005

A Well Earned Rest Day...

As usual, back to work on a Monday for a rest.

I was in Brisbane last Friday. A really long day. I didn't have chance to get the GPS unit, it was no cheaper than I can get it in Sydney anyway.

I have however discovered another geeky 'gadget'. Google Earth. I haven't figured out how Google will make money from it yet - maybe they expect businesses to mark themselves on the map... but it is fantastic! You can zoom in on the world and view a '3-D' aerial photo. The detail is amazing - although it seems like some areas haven't been covered by the higher quality satellite yet (our suburb is much better quality than the city of Sydney).

You can also measure point-to-point or multi-point routes, which I've done for my 3 main runs.

Here's my run from yesterday:

It measures at 11.98km. My time yesterday was 1:04, which I was pleased with, although since City to Surf will have about 59,999 more runners on the road and it's a bit more hilly, I think my target time of 1:15 for the 14km has to be questioned. Still 4 weeks to go though, so we'll see!

Anyway, feeling knackered today. Didn't sleep too well as Lian jumped into our bed in the early hours. Woke up with an annoying headache.

A rest from the running today too. Back into it on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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