Thursday, September 01, 2005

10 days to go...

My programme called for a 5km easy run at 6:00/km pace this morning.

As usual, I was a bit quicker than that. Average pace was 5:43/km but I carried on a bit beyond 5km (5.18km) to go for half an hour.

I was trying to focus on getting a good rhythm, breathing well and not shuffling. I've noticed that my heels are hitting the ground before I plant my foot. That's got to be the reason why the soles of my shoes are wearing in that area. It has to be mechanically inefficient too as I either have to work against the friction of my foot hitting the ground and / or my stride length is not optimised.

I guess the solution is to pick up my feet more on the follow through.

I'm also feeling a bit sore in my left heel. Not sure whether it's my achilles...? Probably not, as it feels lower than that. I was intending to do a long run on Sunday, but perhaps I shouldn't push that much so close to the Half Marathon. I'll still run an easy pace on Sunday, but I think just less distance.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Time to ease off - its taper time! You've done the training, time to relax and take care. Avoid germs at all costs!!!!