Thursday, April 05, 2007

8.58km Tempo...

I forgot to note the summary for March - probably because it was so poor. Although having a 2 week holiday and my 40th birthday should be considered as mitigating circumstances!

Total km = 52.22

And so to April... there's no reason why I shouldn't be aiming for 150km this month. So we'll see how we go.

This morning, I was able to refer to my Training Plan and chose a Tempo run, which should consist of 4 x 1.5km at 5:00/km pace with 2:00 recovery jogs in between.

This really should be run on a flat route, because I struggled on the last rep and was desperately searching for whatever flat or downhill I could find.

I had about a 1km warm-up then got stuck into the first rep. I wasn't sure how I'd go with pacing at 5:00/km so I referred to my Imaginary Friend for advise fairly often on that first rep. We worked very well together because each 1.5km rep was actually completed at an average of exactly 5:00/km pace.

Apparently Tempo runs are designed to help you improve your running economy and your running form. So we'll see what effect that has as I work through the next few weeks before the Half Marathon in May.

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