Monday, April 02, 2007

12.63km LSD...

Even though the statistics look OK... 12.63km in 1:15:04 at 5:56/km pace, yesterday's run felt far from OK!

I adopted the idea of not relying too much on my watch. I just set off at what felt like a comfortable pace. As the first few km splits were displayed, I realised that I was going a bit too quick, but I obviously didn't slow down enough.

I had the idea to do about 15km... should have got me up around a 1:30:00 time, but as I got to 6km I really wasn't feeling too great and then it became a battle just to keep running... a battle which I lost as I ended up walking 2 or 3 times!

So, the lesson is: unless I can control my pace - use the watch!

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