Thursday, June 28, 2007

7.06km 5 x 400m...

I've struggled to get out so far this week... too cold and too wet. But I took the advantage of a later start at work this morning. At least I got to run in a bit of daylight!

So I thought I'd better put in a Hard session. 8 x 400m seemed like a good idea.

So after a 1.1km warm-up I launched into the first rep.

However, the desperate need to find a toilet (which ended up being back at home) cut short the session. So I only completed 5 reps at an average of 1:30 / 400m with about a 3:00 jog recovery in between. A bit of a sprint home(!) to round off 7.06km in total.

I should be able to get another session in tomorrow morning, but I better be prepared!!!

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