Friday, June 15, 2007

8.55km 8 x 400m...

This was a new session for me, and I've got a perfect stretch which is fairly flat, dead straight and far enough from home for a warm-up / cool-down.

My Training Pace Calculator identified 8 x 400m at 3:58/km (1:35/400m) with 3 to 4 minute recovery jogs between reps. I had a 1km warm up at 6:00/km then the 8 reps were achieved in 1:31, 1:30, 1:32, 1:30, 1:33, 1:36, 1:35, 1:28 so an average of 3:49/km (1:31/400m).

So very happy with that!

It's strange how my mind works... I mentioned the mental image of turning a bicycle pedal over imagining my foot like a hand to get power through the full rotation. Well the mental image that formed in my head to get through this mornings reps was of some kind of mythical beast who's clawed feet were reaching forward to rip up the tarmac and throwing it out the back! Bizarre!!!

I expect to feel some after effects from that session, but I don't have anything planned until Sunday.

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