Monday, February 12, 2007

10.61km LSD...

I tried a new route on Sunday. I thought I'd go in search of a nice flat route along the river. So down to the river at Meadowbank and along to Putney.

There were a couple of difficult spots along the foreshore where access was restricted by boat ramps and fences - so I'll know to avoid those in future. The idea was to turn around in Putney Park and head back along past Meadowbank. But I was conscious of having either a long walk home or a run up the hill back away from the river. So I turned off in Meadowbank Park and finished just before Victoria Road.

10.61km in 1:04:43 at 6:05/km pace.

Next time I try this route I'll try to maintain a more even pace and avoid those difficult spots. That way I should be able to slowly increase the distance up to where I should be at for a Half Marathon.

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