Thursday, February 15, 2007

5.84km 6 x 400m...

I decided on something a bit different this morning, rather than my usual 6 to 7km at an 'Easy' pace.

I first thought of doing Hill Reps, but as I was setting off I changed my mind to do some Speed work.

It's the first time I've ever done anything like this, and whilst I'd read some theory on the subject, I couldn't remember the detail. So I decided on: a warm-up, then 400m at a fast pace but not flat-out, then jog recovery for 400m, repeated 6 times then a warm-down.

I just checked my Runners World - Training Pace Calculator, and it says I should have done 8 x 400m at 4:10/km pace with recovery jogs in between. I actually did 6 x 400m at 3:30/km pace. So quite a bit faster than I was supposed to go but not as many reps.

It didn't feel too bad running at that pace and I don't feel any discomfort now.

Next time I'll try to do the full 8 reps at a slightly slower pace than I did today. I'll have to make sure I choose a good route where there aren't too many obstacles, hills etc... perhaps down to the river?

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