Thursday, March 24, 2005

Hot Cross Buns and a Long Weekend...

Wow, they treat us well here at work. Hot Cross Buns this morning. Yum!

I'm looking forward to getting my long-sleeved running top. It was a bit parky this morning! Another 4+km paid into the account. It's feeling easier too. I really should hit the full 5km route regularly now. That's the target I set myself to get some new running shoes. So that's next week's plan.

I keep watching the weather forecast so I can be ready for the big push on the Cubby House. I reckon this long weekend will see the walls up, cladded & stained and the roof installed. Then there's the slide, the steps and the trims to fix - that should be next week.

If the weather's going to be clear first thing in the morning, I won't go for a run - I'll get stuck into the DIY instead. Plenty of cross-training points to be scored over the weekend though.

Have a good Easter. See you next week!

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