Friday, March 04, 2005

Thanks to Reni and Mani...

Anyone get that one? You'd have to have read yesterday's post and have some knowledge of my music taste / early 90's UK music!

This morning's run was accompanied by Stone Roses - The Stone Roses, or at least the first 6 tracks (mine's the UK re-release version so the 6th track isn't Elizabeth My Dear at 0:59 - it has Elephant Stone as the extra track). So that'll be 25+ minutes - with no walking, although still a slow jog! Quite an achievement I think...

Especially as the session was almost de-railed at about 4am - when we heard Lian crying. I jumped out of bed and found her stood at the bottom of her bed, clutching her 'blue-bag'. Perhaps just a bad dream (although I'm not convinced of this since I was under the impression that bad dreams are based on bad experiences and joking apart, I don't think she's had any 'bad experiences').

Anyway, we put her in our bed with Shirley and I went to sleep in her room, so despite that little interruption I still felt fresh enough at 6:45am.

So that's all good! Not only am I getting the exercise, I'm also getting the chance to revisit my music collection!

Watch this space!!

No sign of the cubby house yet, although it was put on a truck in Perth last Friday. Still plenty of jobs to do this weekend though.

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