Friday, December 09, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 7 of 10, Day 4 of 11...
I haven't run since November 30th - when I did 7.06km in 41:51 at 5:55/km pace. I think I forgot to note that one here. I don't remember much about it, but the figures look like it was another Easy run.
I'm fighting off another cold. Must be the dodgy air-conditioning here on site or back in my room at the camp. So no chance to run recently. Hopefully I can shake it off before the Christmas break. I fly out of here next Thursday (15th).
It's getting very hot up here during the day, and stays hot until the sun goes down, except for when there's a tropical rainstorm. They are intense!
I'm still trying to finish here by Christmas, but everyone else is dragging their heels on making the decision - so I'll probably have to come back in January.
I just want to get back home now. Get back into normal home life with the girls. And start my new role back in the Sydney office. I have my doubts as to whether it's going to challenge and interest me - but I think I should give it a go for a few months and then make a decision.
I had a mad idea to do some press-ups in my room last night. I think watching The Shawshank Redemption on cable TV last night made me think like I was in prison - and what else to do in prison but... press-ups, chin-ups. Feeling a bit sore across the chest today. I'll see whether that routine continues.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 6 of 10, Day 9 of 11...
Anyway, still trying to get a run in whenever I can. Last night was successful with 7.05km in 42:02 at 5:57/km pace. A very even pace with no aches and pains and a good cool down at the end.
I think at best all I'm doing is maintaining whatever fitness I had before I came to Blackwater, rather than actually improving. But I guess I have to be thankful of just that.
I have some doubts over my ability to keep up the exercise over Christmas. But I think I will be kept active by all the jobs I've avoided around the house for the last 3 months.
This weekend we have a good task - putting up the Christmas tree, and a bad task - writing Christmas cards for overseas! I always start with a good intention to write an individual message in each card, but after 2 or 3 cards they're lucky to get a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year".
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 6 of 10, Day 6 of 11...
And that was certainly the result. Whilst I did complete 6.04km in 36:00 at 5:56/km pace, that included about 400m of walking at about the 4.5km mark - something I haven't had to do for a long time.
I'd intended to do 8km at 6:00/km pace, so obviously I started out too quickly as my overall pace was about right despite the walking.
So a pretty disappointing run really. I'll see how my enthusiasm level is before deciding whether to go for a run after work today.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 6 of 10, Day 4 of 11...
But yesterday - I needed to do something to reset the frustration meter! Life here is bad enough without having to deal with arseholes.
Anyway, 7.47km in 43:47 at 5:50/km pace was an excellent way to unwind and remind my body what exercise is. Whilst I was running with my Imaginary Friend, I didn't pay too much attention to where he was. Although he does advise me when we complete each km so that's when I have a drink.
I saw the date for the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon was announced for 21st May 2006. This will probably be the next event that I run. So I should really think about setting a target time for that and make sure I commit to a training programme to achieve that goal.
If I publish 1:45 now - is that a commitment? I guess so.
Monday, November 14, 2005
8km Easy, Tropical Rainstorm...
But as I looked at my watch at about 5.45pm, thinking "mmm, I'm getting hungry" - I suddenly decided to get the gear on and go out for a run.
I almost turned around and went back, because it was just starting to rain as I stepped out of the door. I looked at the sky and saw that it was likely to develop into a late afternoon tropical rainstorm.
My Imaginary Friend wasn't fussed. He just set off at his metronomic 6:00/km pace, calling out "see you in 8km".
So I pressed on. And the rain increased, and the wind, and then it started to hail - those little tiny hailstones that feel like pins as they hit your skin. It was hard going as the wind and rain / hail was fierce, but I just pulled down my cap and kept to the easy pace - didn't get too stressed and thankfully avoided increasing the speed to try to get it over and done with.
When I turned with my back to the weather, it became much easier - although by that stage I was drenched and couldn't avoid the puddles, so it was like running with an extra 5 kg (probably good training).
After about 4km, I had thoughts of binning it after 6km and had to battle with my mind to keep going. I was pleased to finish the full 8km in 46:35 - that's 5:46/km pace - so a little faster than intended, but it felt comfortable.
So even with just 2 consecutive days of running, I feel like I'm back into the routine. I plan to get out at least 3 evenings this week, just keeping to the easy paced schedule.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Not quite Easy, not quite Long...
So 9.76km last night was a bit short to be Long and the pace of 6:10/km was a bit slow to be Easy.
But who cares? At the moment, I'm just happy to be able to get out for the exercise.
I'd actually talked to my Imaginary Friend and agreed to just run for 1 hour at a comfortable pace (we chose 6:10/km). So we did achieve our target, and crossed the line together for a change. I did get away from him for a while and he caught up and passed me too. Then he really played dirty and didn't wait for me when I had to stop to tie my shoelace. But I managed to catch him up again.
I think I've realised the source of my heel soreness. My shoes seem to press in that area. I made a point of stretching my heels out before I set off, and in doing so I felt that soreness as the shoe pressed against my heel. So perhaps a new pair of shoes from Santa...?
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 5 of 10, Day 5 of 11...
But there was a 4 day weekend on the Gold Coast with the girls within that period, which was excellent. We did however confirm that whilst Lian loves to watch The Wiggles on TV, she is too scared to approach the characters 'in real life' (well you know what I mean). It's the same with Santa. Last year she refused to go and sit on Santa's knee in David Jones. Probably a good defence mechanism against weirdos!
Anyway, an excellent weekend. But it did remind me of the fact that I am desperate to get out of here and return to life in Sydney. Notice I'm keeping the ... of 10 rotations in the title, as I'm more than likely to be here until the end of January.
So, back to running. I do intend to get out this evening and tomorrow as well. It's getting very hot up here, so I'll have to leave it as late in the day as possible. I'll still stick to the easy paced runs - just to work on the base fitness. Hopefully if I can maintain some level of fitness then when I return to Sydney, I can get back into a regular routine and set some goals for 2006.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 4 of 10, Day 8 of 11...
I'm still getting a run in when I can. I missed my intended run on Sunday - still a bit under the weather with the cold.
But I did get out last night. I spent a bit more time warming up and stretching out my heel and ankle areas, and that seemed to pay off. No pain in the left heel at all. Although it is still sore when I push my finger into it.
I explored a few new streets but ended up running into dead ends, which slowed me down a bit while I tried to work out where to go. But still I finished 7.46km in 45:06 at 6:00/km pace.
I was struggling a bit toward the end. I was trying to pick up the pace a bit to make up for the time lost in finding my way. I probably should have kept it steady and run for longer. Now that I know where I'm going around there I can make that a longer, slower run at some time.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 4 of 10, Day 6 of 11...
So without the running, I realise how boring this place really is! I've avoided the pub, but all that leaves is staying in my room, watching TV or videos that I have on my laptop.
Actually that's not all bad. I'm having a chance to watch Red Dwarf for the first time ever! I remember when it first was on TV in UK (1988) but I rarely saw any TV in those days. I also missed out on Black Adder too!
Anyway, I think I'll have to have a gentle trot this afternoon - otherwise I think I might just go mad! Then I'll settle down to watch the rest of Red Dwarf - Season One.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 4 of 10, Day 2 of 11...
And back into the running last night too. 7.11km in 41:48 at 5:51/km. I started a bit slow as I was feeling a bit sore and stiff - but once I'd warmed up I felt pretty good. Again I tried to vary the route - but basically it's either clockwise or anti-clockwise with a few minor street variations.
I think I need to be patient and build my base fitness before I get too involved in a more varied programme.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 3 of 10, Day 11 of 11...
I've now got a good idea about what I need to achieve too. And I reckon to make any use of those achievements, they will need to be completed by the end of the next rotation, i.e. 2 weeks time. Then it should be plain sailing through to the end.
In the meantime, another Easy(ish) run last night. I was actually pushed for time since I needed to eat and be out again by 7pm for a colleagues leaving party. So 6.44km in 36:26 at 5:38/km was a bit faster than it should be. My Easy runs should be at 6:00/km! I varied the route by running clockwise this time. Very exciting!!!
I'm heading back to Sydney this afternoon for a bit of quality time with my girls. And no doubt plenty of jobs at home - like cleaning the pool!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
A Good Way to Unwind...
But "bugger it" I thought, I was able to leave work by 6pm (so just a 12 hour day - the 8th in a row!) and got out for a run as soon as I got home. Actually, that should be as soon as I got off the phone from my boss back in Sydney. I was trying hard to ensure that there is a role for me when I finally finish this Blackwater adventure! I think I'm succeeding in this aim.
So 6.35km in 36:58 at 5:48/km pace. I'm starting to get bored of the routes available in and around Blackwater. I'll have to start running in a clockwise direction now!
The problem of being able to see my Imaginary Friend has been solved, but there's still the problem of both of us being able to see where we're going! The roads are a bit rough, there are very few pavements, and the 'nature strip' is fairly cut-up too. So I really have to be careful not to twist an ankle!
But I really enjoyed the run, never-the-less.
I'm happy just to be getting in some Easy runs at the moment. I think this is the best way to build my base fitness. But as the route boredom increases, perhaps I'll need to vary the sessions to add variety.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Wind Sprints...?
I managed to avoid the tropical rainstorms. I can just call them tropical since we are just North of the Tropic of Capricorn - in fact I run along the Capricorn Highway! Anyone who checks out the map will see the highway (66) at the South end of the run.
Total distance was 7.05km in 39:00 at an average pace of 5:32/km. So probably a bit too hard for an Easy run but good to keep an even pace never-the-less.
I made a conscious effort to stretch out the left calf / heel afterwards. There is a bit of tenderness there.
I should probably have a rest day today, but there's not much else to do here - even Woolies isn't open on Sunday! And I'm easily diverted during the week, so maybe I should take the opportunity when I can. A real Easy run if anything though (6.00/km pace).
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 3 of 5, Day 5 of 11...
So another Friday night in Blackwater! Having been for a few beers on Wednesday and Thursday night, I had to work hard on the temptation to go out last night too. A couple of people were having a leaving do too and it was Friday - which would be hard to pass up at the best of times.
But I did give it a miss! I got back home and got out for a run pretty much straight away. I requested my Imaginary Friend to set me a pace of 6:20/km for an hour, and he dutifully obliged.
So 10.07km in 1:02:38 at an average of 6:12/km had me finishing about 200m ahead of my Imaginary Friend. I'm amazed he doesn't get pissed off with me, always trying to beat him like that. We should really run together if that's what we set out to do, right?
I also used the backlight function for the first time (thanks again Louise). It's better than I thought as it lights up at each auto-lap so I could check my pace at each km.
I felt the soreness in the rear of my heel again, but it wears off after a couple of minutes of running. I guess that's either stretching it a bit or the endorphines helping to mask the pain. It doesn't feel too bad at other times so nothing to worry about for now. I'll see how it goes now that I hope to get back into regular training.
I intend to get out for an Easy run this afternoon or evening. Probably won't go out again either. I want to watch Australia v New Zealand in the Rugby League Tri-nations test anyway.
Not much happening at work today - the result of last nights festivities I think!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Dumb...and my Friend's not so Bright either...
Thanks to Louise for that prompt! What's your blog address? I'll see if I can learn anything else.
But I didn't actually get to use that feature last night, since I was diverted to the pub for a few beers! It was potentially a good career move, since one of the guys I was out with is up from our Sydney office, and he filled me in on a lot of background information as to what's going on with the reorganisation.
But I'll definitely be out for a run tonight, with my Imaginary Friend illuminating the way!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Back in Training... in Blackwater...
Actually the biggest and final obstacle affecting my ability to get out for a run was not having transport and therefore having to rely on some colleagues to get around and therefore fit around their timetable.
Well, now I have wheels! Nothing flash - just a typical site vehicle - Toyota Hilux 4WD.
So last night, I was able to drive home, quickly get changed and head out for a run. I almost didn't take the opportunity because I was a bit late leaving site. It was dark by the time I got back and there are not too many street lights in Blackwater! I was also conscious of finishing, showering and cooling down in time for dinner which finishes at 8.00pm.
So I didn't set too hard a target - and it was just as well. I reckon there's a little bit of fitness been lost in the last few weeks. The previous run I did was 23 days ago - September 18th! That sounded like a "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been 23 days since my last run!"
My Imaginary Friend was glad to get out too and see the stars. We had a bit of a chat and decided on 6.00/km pace, and see how far we'd go. I had an idea that 6km would be good.
It was so dark that I couldn't see where my Imaginary Friend was. It was only when I passed under street lights that I could check and adjust my pace. I really have no idea about how fast or slow I run.
So after starting out a bit fast, here were the lap splits:
- 1st km in 5:33
- 2nd km in 5:54 (11:27)
- 3rd km in 6:08 (17:35)
- 4th km in 6:17 (23:52)
- 5th km in 5:56 (29:48)
- 6th km in 6:11 (35:59)
Exactly as intended which is good. And very pleasing to have restarted the running.
I did feel the soreness in my left heel, not on the base but on the rear of the heel. It's been tender for the last few weeks - especially when I press it or when I first put weight on my foot in the morning. I should have given it plenty of rest by now, so perhaps I need to visit the podiatrist.
Hope that doesn't prevent me from carrying on with the training!
I'll have a think about a "hard" session for tonight, although I may just make that a long slow distance.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 2 of 5, Day 8 of 11...
My enthusiasm for the running is still there, I just need to adjust my schedule to make time.
Should be next week!
No Running, No Blogging...
But it has left me feeling tired and unmotivated to run.
Hopefully that'll change next week. I'll get back into the normal routine of 11 days on and 3 days off. The 11 days on should allow me to get back into my running. I should also be a bit more flexible with my time in the evenings because I will not have to rely on other people to get to the canteen. So I can run as soon as I get back from work - then eat.
We're also planning to utilise the 3 days off better too. Rather than me flying down to Sydney via Brisbane, I should be able to get flights for Shirley and Lian to meet me in Brisbane - then we have the opportunity to see Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast, including Wiggles World at Dream World!
So life's not looking too shabby!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 2 of 5, Day 3 of 11...
I've just arrived back to site after my first long weekend break back to Sydney. Excellent to see my girls and the rest of the family, but just not enough time.
I also had 2 days in Rockhampton doing some inductions. I didn't make too much effort to explore Rocky but from what I saw on the map and from a couple of drives around (trying to find some decent food) there's not much to it. Oh, apart from being "The Beef Capital of Australia". I wonder if the Big Mac had local ingredients? It tasted the same as anywhere else!
Fortunately, I'm back to Sydney again this weekend, as we have some friends coming back from Singapore for a few days (hello, if you're reading, see you in The Orient on Friday). Just a flying visit: fly out of here Friday lunchtime and leave to travel back Sunday evening.
So no running for a few days. Hopefully once I get settled into a routine here - I can follow some sort of programme again. It's not like there's much else to do!
I've been trying to post some MotionBased screen shots to my previous posts from Blackwater, but no luck so far. I also got some Google Earth shots too, but I forgot to transfer them to my office computer! I was trying to record where I'm based. I'll try that later too.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 1 of 5, Day 7 of 11...

I've figured out that the current map of Blackwater is wrong. I've tried to run along one road from both directions - and the middle section just doesn't exist! I ended up running through the bush to find another sealed road - and that got a bit scary at times!!
But excellent running conditions again. I'd set my Imaginary Friend off for an easy paced 1 hour at 6:00/km pace - and had no problem with that. In fact the last few kms were knocked off much quicker - and I felt like I could have carried on much further.
I'm not sure if I'll get into some running during the week. I'm up at 5.30am already, so not much chance of getting up any earlier - and we usually head for dinner straight after work, so no opportunity then either.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 1 of 5, Day 6 of 11...
So after a few days here, I've realised that the situation is bearable - all-be-it in the absence of my girls, although I can speak to them every day on the phone. Yesterday I was entertained by Lian singing and playing The Grand Old Duke of York on her new karaoke piano!
I also managed to get out for a run yesterday evening. The conditions were excellent! Not too hot, the sun was setting, and the roads are DEAD-FLAT! The details were 6.63km in 40:05 at 6:01/km pace. So nice and slow.

I intend to do a longer run this afternoon - after the footy on TV is finished there ain't much else to do!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Half Marathon Photos & Result...

So 39 seconds quicker than I timed it. I don't understand how they've adjusted the time as I timed it tape to tape. But I'll take it!
The thing I noticed was how different I look in the two shots. The bridge was within the first 2km of the race - so about 10 minutes in. I think I look fairly relaxed. Then some 1:45 later...
I haven't done a run yet here in Blackwater. I moved into some better accommodation last night - then celebrated down the Mine Workers Club with a locally reared rib-eye steak, a couple of beers and half a bottle of wine!
I planned to go for a run tonight, but then I realised it's Friday! Although seafood buffet at the Club doesn't appeal to me, so we'll see!
Definitely get a couple of runs in over the weekend. We only(!) work 6.00am till 2.30pm Saturday and Sunday whereas weekdays are 6.00am till 5.00pm. So a bit of time should be available.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Blackwater, Rotation 1 of 5, Day 3 of 11...
5 rotations puts me at the middle of November. 2 months, which is what they originally said. Although already they're trying to push that out to Christmas. NO BLOODY WAY!!
The upside is that my 2nd rotation falls over a Public Holiday long weekend, so it's been suggested (and far be it from me to steer them in this direction) that it's not worth traveling up for a Tuesday rotation start, back home on Friday, back up again the following Tuesday and back home for the end of the rotation on Friday. Hopefully I can spend that time in Sydney or worst case will be Brisbane. At least I get the long weekend off.
So, what's this place like? Well there's no other way to say it than: it's a shit-hole. What do you expect from a place with the sole purpose of supporting a coal mine?
I'm not going to go into detail - it'll depress me too much.
I'll try to go for a run tonight - partly to keep fit, partly to keep occupied and partly to be able to upload a course to Google Earth so that I see and show where this place is.
Then I'll have the joys of sampling camp food!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Half Marathon Report...
Even as late as Saturday night I was considering binning it. We were babysitting one of Lian's friends and they were running around screaming their heads off. The changes at work were still playing on my mind. And as well as the thought of getting up at 4am and running 21.1km on Sunday - they all combining to make my head feel like it was going to explode.
But I decided that the run would provide a good distraction from all the crap and may sort me out.
So up I got at 4am, wandered around a bit to get my system going, had something to eat, checked the cricket score and headed for the 5.05am train to Milson's Point.
I think I may have fallen asleep on the train because the journey went very quickly. I followed the crowds up to the park, collected my free singlet and dropped off the rest of my ballast at the clothing trucks / porta-loos!
I had a good stretch before the start and ended up stood next to the starters stage - from where I couldn't even see the red balloons signifying the 1:50:00 pacer (they were way behind me). I thought that'd be OK though as I had my trusty Imaginary Friend.
However, it didn't take long to realise that my Imaginary Friend was also suffering from the early start - or perhaps it was because he gets upset being hidden from the sky by the Harbour Bridge / buildings. Anyway, I couldn't rely on his advice of pace or distance too much - but at least it gave me an idea.
I felt pretty good for most of the first half, except when there was torrential rain (probably only for a few minutes - but felt longer) just before the turning point. That caused a fierce head wind going out which died on the way back.
I think I went through 14km (City to Surf distance) in about 1:15 - so a new PB there! I also saw the red balloons pass me on the way back toward the city and kept them in sight for a while.
But then I encountered the hills between about 15 and 19km. They really knocked me around. I remember walking up one particularly steep bit and had to force myself to kick off again when it leveled out.
I ran along with a lad from Sunderland via Brisbane who said he'd been limping since 8km and that seemed to give me a bit of a breather before I put on a bit of a surge down a hill and through to the Opera House. finish in 1:54:30 by my watch.
So 4:30 outside my initial target, but as I said - considering where my head's been for the last week or so - I was very pleased with that.
I wandered round the recovery village to stretch a bit and put some dry clothes, then headed back to Circular Quay station and home.
I was switched on enough to keep drinking fluids for the rest of the day and didn't feel too beaten up.
I really can't imagine how I could ever do a Marathon, but maybe after I've settled down a bit and get back into training I might re-evaluate that idea. I'll certainly give the Half a go again. Maybe the Sydney Morning Herald sponsored event in May next year?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Who Threw that Spanner in the Works...?
There's just been a reorganisation at work. I'd been led to believe that my position would basically stay the same but I'd be working for a different group, still based in Sydney.
As it turned out, when the new org chart for that group was issued, my name wasn't on it! So a) I'm pissed off that no-one had the decency to come and advise me of that, and b) it suggests that the work I'd been doing and was intending to do for that new group was worthless!
Thankfully, there were some decent senior managers who did see the worth in what I'm trying to do and they were eager to pounce and grab me before I toddled off down to the Job Centre (via the pub).
However, their immediate need for me is to go to one of our sites for 2 months to sort something out. Anybody heard of Blackwater? No, thought not. It's 200km West of Rockhampton - a huge coal mine where we're building a $200M coal handling plant. Nice!!
It's an 11 days on, 3 days off roster - which means 11 days without my girls - living in a site camp. Hopefully they have a gym and no bar!
Just got to work out the details of when to go. But it's been very distracting these past couple of days.
It does appear to be an opportunity to work within this new group of people and prove hands-on the worth of what I'm trying to do - and therefore secure my long-term future (as much as one can these days). And I'm told that I will still be Sydney based!
The way that this reorganisation has been rolled out has been ridiculous - and it's affected more senior people than me. It's left a real bad taste in many peoples mouths!
So hopefully, I can sort my head out about this whole thing and get out for the Half Marathon on Sunday.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Easy Does It...
I didn't take too much notice of what my Imaginary Friend was telling me - I just ran what I thought was a comfortable pace, making sure I made a clean foot strike and breathing well.
It turned out that I finished 5.20km at 5:13/km pace. I really find it difficult to comfortably run any slower. I suspect my heart rate would've been higher than an easy pace is trying to achieve. Good job I don't wear a Heart Rate Monitor!
Coincidentally, 5:13/km is exactly the pace I need to run for 21.1km to achieve my 1:50:00 target. Whilst this mornings 5.20km was easy, I suspect Sunday may be considerably tougher.
Still some soreness in the left heel. So I will run no more before Sunday. Just have a stretch and remember to warm up properly.
So next post should be Monday with a report!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Easy 7km, Tapering...
So 7+ km at an Easy pace (should have been 6:00/km but turned out to be 5:40/km) was achieved.
I felt a bit of a niggle in my left heel again. Hope that doesn't give me a problem on Sunday!
Another Easy run tomorrow and maybe Thursday too. Then a good rest and a good feed up until Sunday!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Feeling Like Crap...
I'm dosing up on Cold & Flu tablets. But I can't concentrate on anything work related.
I also just checked the train times for Sunday. I'll have to get the 5.05am train in order to get to Milsons Point before 6am. That's going to be tough!
I think the Cold has been brought on by being kicked out of bed by Lian again last night. She's been feeling under the weather too lately, so we've been letting her sleep in our bed with mummy. So my being downgraded to the spare room means no electric blanket! Maybe I'll try to squeeze into Lian's bed (with heater) if I get booted out again tonight.
I think I need to get stuck into work so I don't get distracted to write this sort of crap again!
Extra Long Rest...
The rain conspired to make the rest day the only realistic option!
And it was Father's Day so I had to give Lian the chance to pamper me!
So just a couple of easy sessions this week to give the legs a taste of what to be prepared for next Sunday!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
10 days to go...
As usual, I was a bit quicker than that. Average pace was 5:43/km but I carried on a bit beyond 5km (5.18km) to go for half an hour.
I was trying to focus on getting a good rhythm, breathing well and not shuffling. I've noticed that my heels are hitting the ground before I plant my foot. That's got to be the reason why the soles of my shoes are wearing in that area. It has to be mechanically inefficient too as I either have to work against the friction of my foot hitting the ground and / or my stride length is not optimised.
I guess the solution is to pick up my feet more on the follow through.
I'm also feeling a bit sore in my left heel. Not sure whether it's my achilles...? Probably not, as it feels lower than that. I was intending to do a long run on Sunday, but perhaps I shouldn't push that much so close to the Half Marathon. I'll still run an easy pace on Sunday, but I think just less distance.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Speed Session...
So each 400m lap should have been completed in 1:41.
My actual splits were:
- 1:23
- 1:40
- 1:35
- 1:38
- 1:33
- 1:34
- 1:44
- 1:42
So I slowed up a bit on the last 2 repeats, but overall I averaged 1:36 per lap at a pace of 4:00/km.
That now gives me a good indication that the training pace calculator is consistent and achievable. I'll not make any predictions about beating the 1:50:00 target for the Half Marathon, even though these recent sessions have been a bit ahead of the predictions. I think I need to stick to this pattern on an ongoing basis and see how it works out in the longer term.
It does however give me the confidence that 1:50:00 is achievable... with the help of my Imaginary Friend and the pace runner!
The weather was warm again this morning. I was definitely overdressed in my long sleeve top, tee-shirt and hat! Hope it continues like this...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
12 days to go...
My programme called for an Easy run this morning which means 6:03/km pace.
I set out with my Imaginary Friend with an aim to complete 8km. My Imaginary Friend said "Heh, don't worry about the :03, just say 6:00 - you always try to get ahead of me anyway".
Who was I to argue? As usual, he was right. We finished the 8km in 45:37 at 5:42/km pace.
I wonder if the equation works backwards? As I understand it, the 6:03 Easy pace is based on me being able to run a Half Marathon in 1:50:00. So, as I finished this morning (and my other recent sessions based on this theory) faster than the prescribed pace, should I be able to run the Half Marathon quicker than 1:50:00?
I suspect that even 1:50:00 will be tough to achieve and I'm just not quite optimising my training (although it's close enough).
Tomorrow calls for 8 x 400m at 4:13/km with 3 to 4 minute recovery jogs between each repeat.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Longest Run in 11 Years!
So Portsmouth 1994 was the last 'long' run I'd done.
Yesterday was a successful long-slow-distance session. I ended up at 18.28km in 1:53:18 at 6:11/km pace.
I was supposed to run between 6:03 and 6:50/km pace. The first 3kms were too quick (never thought I'd say that) but then I managed to slow down to the required pace. The 16th km was a bit slower - I think that must have been a long drag uphill.
I carried a water bottle with me - which I must remember to do in future.
I should also remember in future to keep drinking water after I finish the run. I woke up with a 'hangover' type headache this morning. No beers last night so I can only assume it's due to dehydration.
My heels and ankles felt sore toward the end of the run. I noticed that my shoes are wearing down quickly on the heels too (I think the outside edge) even though I've only had them for 4+ months - and I'm hardly doing huge mileage. So I wonder if I have some form problem there? I'll keep an eye on that.
Didn't stay up to watch the cricket last night. It would've been good to see an England victory at my home county ground. I woke up this morning to a text message from my dad advising me of the result.
Should I pray for rain in London for 5 days from the 8th September? I don't think so. Looking forward to a 3-1 series win!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I have a Plan...
This is what I found:
Runners World - Training Pace Calculator
It talks about how many sessions to do per week, how many of those should be 'hard' sessions, what 'hard' sessions are and how fast the different sessions should be based on my current achievements.
So I've taken that information and set up my schedule as follows:
- Monday - Rest
- Tuesday - Easy
- Wednesday - Hard (Tempo / Max O2 / Speed / Yasso)
- Thursday - Easy
- Friday - Easy / Rest
- Saturday - Rest
- Sunday - Hard (Long)
This morning was therefore an Easy run - 7km at 6.03min/km pace was the target.
I actually found that very difficult to achieve - I mean that I found it difficult to run so slow. I finished the 7km at an average pace of 5:45min/km in a total time of 40:12.
My long run on Sunday should be 18km at 6:03 to 6:50min/km pace.
Another highlight of this morning's run was finding Lian's favourite doll (Bon-bon) which she'd dropped on the way to Por-por's (Cantonese for Granny) place yesterday. I ran the route that they'd walked and there it was! Some kind soul had propped her up against a fence! What a result!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
That was different...
I asked my Imaginary Friend to lead me through an Interval Session. There are so many options, but I chose Run Distance and Rest Distance, for 5 repetitions. I set the session to run for a quarter mile, rest for a quarter mile (402.34m!). Typically American influenced gadget has set distances in miles although it is possible to set custom distances in kilometers. I just had the intention to run as fast as I could - without really knowing how fast that would be.
As it turned out I covered the quarter mile run splits in about 1:20 to 1:30 and felt like I needed less than the quarter mile rest, so I cut that back to about 300m.
I then realised that I'd only run for about 7 :30 (plus the rests) so I ran a loop back to home at about 5:20min/km pace for 1.5 kms.
I'm sure I've said this before, but I must check out some structured training routines. The problem with those is that they seem to be geared around running a particular event on a particular date, whereas my ongoing training will not necessarily be event driven.
I'm sure I can work something out!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
8km in 0:39:24...
It felt like a good run this morning. I asked my Imaginary Friend to go out at 5min/km pace for a total of 8km. As usual, I kept a little ahead of that pace, partly with the expectation that I would fade toward the end. My actual splits were:
- 1st km in 4:59
- 2nd km in 4:56
- 3rd km in 4:41
- 4th km in 4:33
- 5th km in 4:48
- 6th km in 4:54
- 7th km in 5:43 - a bit of an uphill drag here
- 8th km in 4:50 - but managed to get back to the average pace
Total time was 0:39:24. That's 1:50:08 pace for the half marathon (according to my race pace calculator), but I really have my doubts whether I can achieve this. Hang on, didn't I have the same doubts about my target for City to Surf? I only missed it by a fraction!
My programme calls for 5km tomorrow, 8km on Thursday then 14km on Sunday, same next week except 16km on Sunday, then a taper down before the half marathon on 11th September.
I can't remember where I found that programme but I suspect it's a novice - just enough to finish plan rather than an intermediate - finish in a certain time plan!
I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Very Average...
I think I must be setting off too fast - being a bit too optimistic about my ability!
So the intention was to run for 1:30:00 at 5:30min/km pace. That would've been about 16kms I think.
The first 6kms went to plan. The weather was great. Not too hot but plenty of sunshine. But from 6km until the end, my pace dropped down to 5:46min/km AND I had to walk for about 1km up a not too steep hill.
So overall, I only managed 1:09:01 which got me 11.95km.
Obviously a long way to go to achieve the 1:50:00 time for the half marathon.
In other news: I've got a new project on at home. I'm going to build a DIY solar pool heater! A few lengths of 90mm diameter pipe cut in half length-ways, painted silver to act as reflectors and some 13mm diameter polycarbonate tubing to circulate water in front of the reflectors. Add in a solar powered pump to get the water moving and there you go!
Hopefully it'll encourage more use of the pool than last summer!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Back in Training...
I think I need to do some more research into my training routine. I just tend to run as far and as fast / slow as I feel like, apart from the specific intention to run long - slow - distance on Sundays.
So this morning I ran 7km in 35 minutes. That was pushing it fairly hard! I use my Forerunner to set the pace, but then I purposefully set out to get ahead, only to slow down at the end and finish in line with the average pace. Surely I'd be better off setting the pace and sticking to it!
Anyway, everything feels fine - no sore joints or muscles. So that's good.
It was so cold again this morning and I think I'm still catching up on sleep from watching the cricket on Monday / Tuesday - so it was a bit tough to get out of bed. I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be right for another trot, then a long run on Sunday.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
3 Hours Sleep...
I haven't decided when to get back into the running. Probably should have a session tomorrow morning and Thursday and then a longer run on Sunday. I have to start using my Forerunner to optimise my training now - especially pacing myself over the long runs. Only 26 days to go until the Sydney Half Marathon.
I was sat on my arse for most of yesterday, so every time I did get up - my legs, especially my calves were feeling very stiff. They're OK now though.
I bought the newspaper on the way to work this morning - just to check my official time from the City to Surf. It's recorded as 76:34 - 1 second quicker than I thought, so that's a little bonus. 8025th place! So I must have overtaken more people than overtook me!
I'm a bit annoyed that I forgot to set the video to record the City to Surf coverage. The record holder (Steve Moneghetti) ran with a microphone and was commentating as he ran!
OK, time for some work...
Monday, August 15, 2005
City to Surf Report...
I'll note the important statistic first: Finish Time according to my watch was 1:16:35. The official results will be out on Tuesday.
So even though that was 1:35 outside of my target time, I am very pleased with how it all went.
I'd had a good dose of carbs on Saturday evening, thanks to Shirl's homemade spag bol. I was amazed at how well I slept on Saturday night. I guess I should be thankful for the rain in Manchester - i.e. not much play in the cricket - so that didn't keep me awake late. I was up at 6.00am, had breakfast (nutella sandwich), checked the cricket progress (not much), had a wander round - double checking my gear, performed some important body functions(!), thoughtfully moved my car out of the driveway so Shirl could use hers, and headed down to the station to catch the 7.02 to the City.
There were a few other people heading in with the same intention, but I was a bit too nervous to chat to them so kept to myself on the train. Got to Town Hall, walked up to Hyde Park, grabbed a clothing bag, had two attempts at dropping that off with my clothes (forgot to take off my extra socks at the first attempt), thought about having another visit to the loo (declined), then wandered down to the blue group start.
I was amazed that I was so close to the front. Probably about 10 rows back and that was I guess at about 8.00. So I was pretty happy with that. I turned around every 10 minutes or so and realised I was lucky to have got there when I did. It was filling up very quickly behind me (and in front, where some chancers always have to sneak in). There were a couple of footballs (round shaped!) bobbling around - which was a bit annoying, because it meant everyone had to be on their guard to avoid getting one in the face. Anyway, the time passed fairly quickly.
And so it came toward the start time - 9.30. Looking across the junction of College, Park and William Streets, I could see the whole of the 'Back of the Pack' - an amazing sight. Not sure how many people were there but I was happy that I didn't have to get caught up in that!
And then they were off. The first group started at 9.30. I was amazed at how fast the front runners go off. I doubt I could sprint that fast for any distance, let alone for as long as they do and then carry on for 14km! I switched on my Forerunner in anticipation of our start - some 10 minutes later I guessed - but I couldn't get a GPS signal. I guess I was too sheltered by the Australian Museum building - which was also blocking out the sun, meaning that it was a bit chilly standing still for that time. Never mind, it'd lock on (and warm) up when I rounded the corner to William Street.
The next group started a few minutes later, then it was us next. I'd tried to do a few warm-ups and stretches, but too difficult in a mass of people. I was also a bit nervous about a group of people who were just in front of me who looked like they were off for a day of bush-walking. Slouch hats, rain coats, backpacks and camelback water carriers. I just hoped they didn't expect to walk and not get trampled!
So then we were off. I started my watch on the gun, so I'm sure my timing was accurate. I managed to avoid the bush-walkers - although it did get a bit physical in there! As I recall, I was basically running straight away - not held up too much by the mass of people. That would come later!
A good little downhill stretch for the first few hundred metres or so got me warmed up fine and into a good rhythm. It would've been so easy to have got caught up with the excitement and blast off at a faster pace. Thankfully I didn't do too bad and was actually conscious of my breathing!
I kept an eye on the pace for the first few kms. I didn't even see any km posts at the side of the road, apart from 7km and 11km, so I was glad of having the Forerunner. My target time of 1:15:00 worked out at an average of 5:21 per km. But of course that doesn't take into account the hills! So I just tried to keep to around about that 5:20 pace for as long as possible.
The drink stations were where it really got mad. I skipped the first one because it was just too messy. The roads were packed full width coming up to the stations and of course everyone just split off left and right to try to grab a drink - obviously causing a bit of a traffic jam. I guess I made up quite a few places there. But I knew I'd have to drink at the next station.
I got to the bottom of Heartbreak Hill (6km) in about 32 minutes - which was keeping to my average pace. I didn't find the hill too bad. I did slow down a bit, but just kept a nice steady pace - about 6min/km I later found out. I walked through the drink station at the top - partly to have a bit of a rest but also to make sure I got the drink inside me rather than outside!
There was a little rest for the next 2 kms or so, then for me the hardest part was the hill from about 9.5 to 10.5km (see marker on map below). That was tough to keep going and I may have walked another drink station too (can't remember).
The last 3km or so was hard work but I knew the toughest bits were behind me and it'd be over soon! So I just kept going without worrying about the pace or time. I remember how long the run out to the turn back is along Campbell Parade and wanted to leave a bit in the legs for a good finish.
And so I did. I think the official clock read 86 minutes or so. I stopped my watch at 76:35. I can't remember the time on the card I was given. I did see a card on the floor with 82 something on it and was tempted to pick it up! But no, there was nothing to gain from being dishonest.
I walked through the finish area in a bit of a daze. I grabbed some more drinks, a newspaper and picked up my bag. Had a good stretch in the park and then wandered some more. I was tempted to hang around and wait for my sister-in-law and her hubby, but I knew they'd be walking for a fair part of the way so I decided to head for home. I later found out that they didn't take part at all because one of them wasn't feeling well.
I bought a banana smoothy and some water and walked up the hill back to Bondi Junction station.
So that was it. An excellent day. The idea of all this was for me to get into some regular training - and I do intend to carry on. But to have had the added bonus of taking part in this fantastic event gives me that reward too.
I've got the Half Marathon in 4 weeks time. I'll start thinking about a plan for that later this week. I have no idea about how hilly it is.
And I'll definitely be up for the City to Surf next year. My time this year will certainly get me into the A2 start (100 minutes or less) but depending on my official time, I may even squeeze into A1 (75 minutes or less this year). But the main thing is that I'll have to keep up with the training and make sure I get as good a start as this year to improve my time by any great amount.
Thanks to anyone that's been reading this for the last 6 months. I'll keep it going. Hope you will too.
Friday, August 12, 2005
2 days to go...
- What time should I wake up? - 6.00am. Walk around a bit to get my system moving!
- What should I have for breakfast? - Toast with honey.
- Can I buy a train ticket in advance so I'm not left with change to carry? - No! I'll just have to take the exact money. Buy a return to Bondi Junction. Get the train at about 7.00am.
- Make sure I get a black bin liner to wear to keep me warm before the start. - Don't be an idiot! This is not advisable. I've got an old jumper that I can take off before the start and leave for the charity collectors.
- Find a small ziploc bag to keep my train ticket and $10 under my hat. - I have (even though I hate to admit it) a bum bag - courtesy of the Singapore Half Marathon - which I can carry money, train ticket etc.
- What time should I get there to ensure I'm as close to the front of my group as possible? - Should be in the City by 7.30am ish. Drop off my clothes to pick up at the finish.
- Leave enough time before the start to queue for a number 2! - Very important.
- Check the weather forecast to ensure I won't need any extra clothes to wear on the way home. - Take them anyway.
- Work out my race strategy (check time at 7km and adjust to meet target / use imaginary friend to set pace for whole race / consider how far back I'll be at start and how long it takes to get up to pace.) - Still got to work that one out.
- Check that a sausage sandwich from North Bondi SLSC is good post-exercise food. - Of course it is, together with a fruit smoothy!
Should be fine with all that.
I missed my final training session yesterday because I was on a course in the City. I just consider that to be an extended taper. No worries!
This should be the last post before Monday...
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Easy 5km...
A fairly easy 5km run this morning. Maybe pushed a bit too hard in the last km. Total time: 25:15. I tried to concentrate on a relaxed style and good breathing.
I'll do a similar run tomorrow morning, then 2 rest days - gorging on pasta!
Another thought for Sunday: Perhaps I should take a bag along with some clothes to keep warm after the race - and send the bag to Bondi. I'll check on the website to see what a hassle that will be. I better check the weather forecast too.
I received my race pack for the half marathon last night. First race I've done with a timing chip!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
5 Sleeps to go...
Having an imaginary friend to set the pace is exactly what I need. I don't have enough running experience to judge my own pace and I'm too lazy too push myself at the appropriate time.
So this morning, me and my imaginary friend set out on a 7km route. I requested a pace of 5 minutes per km - which my imaginary friend was more than happy to set. Wow, he's fit! He never seems to slow down on hills, nor does he adjust his pace going round tight corners!
I tried to show him who's boss and got away from him a bit in the first 4kms (well it was mostly downhill), but then he started to reel me back in. I ended up trailing by some 42 seconds.
I'll take it much easier tomorrow and Thursday - perhaps a couple of 30 minute runs at 5:20/km pace. Then that'll be it before Sunday.
I'm starting to think more about the big day...
- What time should I wake up?
- What should I have for breakfast?
- Can I buy a train ticket in advance so I'm not left with change to carry?
- Make sure I get a black bin liner to wear to keep me warm before the start.
- Find a small ziploc bag to keep my train ticket and $10 under my hat.
- What time should I get there to ensure I'm as close to the front of my group as possible?
- Leave enough time before the start to queue for a number 2!
- Check the weather forecast to ensure I won't need any extra clothes to wear on the way home.
- Work out my race strategy (check time at 7km and adjust to meet target / use imaginary friend to set pace for whole race / consider how far back I'll be at start and how long it takes to get up to pace.)
- Check that a sausage sandwich from North Bondi SLSC is good post-exercise food.
Monday, August 08, 2005
More Encouraging...
I had the intention to set the pace on my Forerunner to run 14km in 1:15:00. The route I chose has a hill similar to the Heartbreaking one on City to Surf. From 5 to 8 km it rises by about 80m whereas C2S rises about 60m from 6 to 8km. So I knew it would be a good challenge.
I got a couple of minutes ahead of schedule by the time I reached the hill, and as expected, I lost most of that advantage by the top of the hill. I managed to pull a minute back by the end of 11km, but I was really starting to struggle by that stage. The 12th and 13th kms had another couple of nasty short hills and I dropped back again to a minute and a half or so behind. I picked up a little pace on the final km but ended up finishing in 1:16:46.
The details were:
- 1st km in 4:49 ahead by 0:32
- 2nd km in 5:05 ahead by 0:49
- 3rd km in 4:50 ahead by 1:20
- 4th km in 4:43 ahead by 1:59
- 5th km in 5:13 ahead by 2:07
- 6th km in 5:23 ahead by 2:06
- 7th km in 6:22 ahead by 1:05 (a simulated walk through a drink station here!)
- 8th km in 5:49 ahead by 0:37
- 9th km in 5:08 ahead by 0:51
- 10th km in 5:08 ahead by 1:04
- 11th km in 5:16 ahead by 1:10
- 12th km in 6:13 ahead by 0:18
- 13th km in 7:05 behind by 1:25 (another drink station!)
- 14th km in 5:42 behind by 1:46
I'm quite pleased with that. I reckon it was a tougher route than C2S - even though there were about 59,999 less people around! Perhaps the adrenaline will kick in enough to get me over the line next Sunday close to my target.
Just a couple of easy runs this week. Plenty of pasta on the menu.
Friday, August 05, 2005
My Imaginary Friend...
I got as far as deciding to go for a run this morning. I'll have to think about the other days during today.
So the plan was to try to follow the "Virtual Partner" (my imaginary friend) on my Forerunner. I set it to target 7km in 36 minutes (5:09/km pace) - on the basis that that equates to about 1h15m for the City to Surf, according to the race pace calculator I've been using (more on that later).
For those that aren't Forerunner aware - you can get it to display how far ahead or behind of this pace you are - hence the "Virtual Partner" description.
So I set off on a familiar route, keeping a fairly close watch on the read-out. I was pleased that what felt like my normal pace was keeping me ahead of the pace.
The details were:
- 1st km in 4:52
- 2nd km in 4:46
- 3rd km in 4:48
- 4th km in 4:47
- 5th km in 4:56
- 6th km in 4:56
- 7th km in 5:19
To give a total time of 34:24 for the 7km, which equates to 1:11:43 pace for C2S.
Now I should explain that from 1.5km to 5.5km, the route dropped by 75m, i.e. a -2% gradient and the last 1.5km rises by 25m, i.e. +2% gradient. (I wonder if there's a formula out there to convert w minutes per km at x gradient into y minutes per km at z gradient?)
So back to that pace calculator. I wonder how accurate they are. Do they suit everybody? Should I set my "Virtual Partner" to target 14km in 75 minutes and push myself to follow the pacer? I guess that there are so many variables; like congestion, course profile, et.c. - which would affect the achievement of any pace, that it's just not reasonable to allow the pacer to dictate too much.
Clearly it's going to be very useful in training, on known routes.
I'll have a think about my planned sessions for the next week or so and make some commitment here later.
In other news. Woke up this morning to see a decent score posted by England in the cricket. Although I certainly won't get too excited by that until we see how the Aussies fair in their 1st innings.
I've often thought that they should be able to measure the actual status of one teams performance against the other, considering all the variables like weather & wicket conditions as well as previous scores at that ground in similar conditions - so that we can see who is ahead at any one point in time. I'm sure this would encourage more interest in test cricket.
Just a thought!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
A Dose of Realism...
I'd had the idea to do 15km but 14km came up at a convenient point and that was a big enough mental hurdle to leap, it being the same distance as City to Surf, so that was enough for me!
Unfortunately, I think I may have to be realistic and accept that I'm unlikely to achieve my goal time for C2S. Last night's 14km was completed in 1:21:39. That's 6:39 outside my 75 minute target - about an 8% improvement required. Very unlikely in 10 days.
I don't use my Forerunner to constantly check my pace, and speed up or slow down as appropriate - I just ran at what pace felt comfortable. Anyway, it was mostly too dark to see the display. I reckon if I try to do this at C2S, I'll just exhaust myself before the end. In any case, I'd have to adjust my target pace for the hills! Too complicated.
Lucky I didn't go for the Forerunner with Heart Rate Monitor. I reckon that'd give me information overload!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Be Prepared...
I've had a sensible lunch and I'm drinking plenty of water. I've got a rough idea of the route I'll take - it looks like a good one:
Along Shrimpton's Creek to Macquarie Centre, round the back to Talavera Road, along to Culloden Road, then all the way back to Eastwood along Vimiera Road, along Blaxland Road to Melville Street, through West Ryde to Chatham Road, back up to Eastwood and up again to Blaxland Road - at which point I need to check the distance to make sure I do at least 15km, so probably head down Melville again and hopefully finish back near home!
Hopefully a successful report here tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Confidence Boost...
So I was pleased with a total of 7km in 36:07 which broke down like this:
- 1st km in 5:11
- 2nd km in 5:09
- 3rd km in 4:57
- 4th km in 4:35
- 5th km in 5:09
- 6th km in 5:21
- 7th km in 5:40
According to my race time calculator that gives me a 1:15:18 City-to-Surf, which is a bit below my target and as I've said before, there are the crowds and Heartbreak Hill to add into the equation. I'm hoping that the adrenalin on the day plus the last 3km being basically down-hill and the run into the finish should help me to creep under my 75 minute target!
I'm going to try to fit in a longer run (have I said that before) on Wednesday evening, so I can get 2 long runs in before the big day.
Monday, August 01, 2005
First the Good News...
The bad news is that I had another failure yesterday, thanks to my own stupidity (or greediness).
I'd planned to go for a long run - 15km - because I'd taken the week off to recover from my cold. I intended to go out before tea to allow my lunch to settle down. We went out for lunch and I had it in mind to have a small tomato based pasta - no fat and not too much protein. So what did I end up with? A huge beef-burger and chips!
We only finished lunch at 1 o'clock and I went out for the run at 3. Anybody guess the outcome? After about 4.5km, I had to stop to walk as my stomach was cramping to the point where I thought I was going to hurl. I still walked to the extremity of that leg of the route and then turned and walked back. I started running again at the 10km mark and finished on 12.98km - in a not so grand total of 1:30:25.
But the good stats were:
1st km in 5:03
2nd km in 5:09
3rd km in 5:07
4th km in 5:48 - starting to slow down here!
11th km in 5:12
12th km in 5:19
The basic software that came with the Forerunner gives a breadcrumb trail map;
a plot of speed or pace or elevation against time or distance;
and a table of lap splits and totals.
For US$20 per year I could subscribe to Google Earth Plus to integrate that with the GPS data and plot the route on the aerial photos. What a great idea - but a luxurious gimmick that I probably can't justify.
Oh, I figured out how to break the news of my new toy to Shirl - but I first had to soften her up with a new food mixer - which cost twice the amount that my new toy, I mean training device, cost!
So I've only got one more weekend before City to Surf to do a long run, unless I restructure the next 2 weeks to do a long run during the week... perhaps in the evening...?
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Still Alive...
I need to ensure that I prepare well for a good long run. No beer at lunchtime (not even half a bottle with the missus), plenty of water, a decent feed a couple of hours before the run, then perhaps try for 1.5 hours. If I can run 1 hour feeling like crap last week, then surely 1.5 hours after a week of rest and recuperation should be achievable this weekend.
Shirl reckons the possums are still active in the roof, so I need to phone the pest controllers to get rid of them, then patch up any holes where they've been getting in. Then we can progress our next little job - insulate the loft, line the floor & roof and install a ladder to convert the space into much needed storage.
I saw that they have pacers in the half-marathon in September, so I've identified to join the 1:50 group. We shall see how that goes.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Feeling Like Crap...
Adding to that the lack of sleep I got on Saturday night by; a) staying up till 1.30am to watch the Tour de France Time Trial and b) being kicked out of my bed by Lian and sleeping in her bed (the spare room is just too cold).
So I had a mild headache for most of Sunday, which probably wasn't helped much either by sitting out in the sun having lunch (and half a beer!!) from the Fish Market.
I still wanted to get out for a run though and had spotted what looked like a good route through some parkland. I headed out in the late afternoon and ran for about 4km before finding the start of what looked like another 3+km of parks broken up by some cross streets. What I didn't realise was that the parks were also fenced off at each cross street too. What is all that about? So it took me a bit of searching to find a way through and finally got back onto familiar territory having covered, I guess, about 7km. Still feeling a bit crap!
I intended to do a long loop around to complete 15km in total. But I really wasn't feeling good at all so I binned it at about 10km - in just about 1 hour.
So not too shabby, but I'm not sure if it did as much good as it did harm!
I'm contemplating taking this week off the early morning runs. I'm in Brisbane tomorrow anyway. I really want to shake off this cold completely and with only 3 weeks to go until City to Surf, I figure I should get it out of the way sooner rather than later.
I'll see how I feel after returning from Brisbane tomorrow night!
Friday, July 22, 2005
The Magic Number...
That confirms that I'm in Group B as I hoped for. What it also means is that there were 11 people even more eager than me to enter on that first day (Group B starts at 19001).
I also learned that Group A has been split into two this year (presumably to make it safer for those who sprint start to get through the narrowed roads around the Cross City Tunnel roadworks). Group A1 is for runners who completed last year in 75 mins or less, group A2 in 100 mins or less. Kind of (shockingly) puts my target time of 75 minutes into perspective. I'd hate to be the one in next years race starting in A1 being trampled by the masses of A2!
Anyway, only 23 days to go. I want to do an extra long run on Sunday - maybe in the region of 15km. I've felt strong on my long runs in the second half, after taking most of the first half to warm up. I wonder if I can warm up properly and quicker how much longer that 'strong' feeling will last?
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Almost Too Cold...
But I didn't, and was able to do the 10 short, steep hill repeats. There's a nasty extra steep bit in the middle of the hill which is actually like a big step - but really slows my momentum - requiring a bit of an extra push off through that section.
Hope it's all worth it.
A rest day Friday (we have a baby sitter so we're off to the flicks in the evening) and Saturday. A long run on Sunday. I'm in Brisbane again on Tuesday so will miss my usual run that day. May have to put in a recovery type run on Monday instead.
No picture today. I assume you know what a hill looks like!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
If Slow and Steady Always Wins the Race...
Another run this morning, varying the route but basically sticking to the same area. I didn't really set out on a fixed route so had no pre-conception of the distance I would do, but I wanted to do 30+ mins.
So 34 minutes later I was pleased with the work-out. I had a good stretch back at home, a hot shower and then a bowl of cereal in front of the computer, where Google Earth enabled me to produce this...

It's a clockwise direction and the long straight(ish) bit at the bottom is a gradual 2km up-hill.
But only 6.19km in total. So that equates to 5 minutes slower for the City to Surf.
Hills tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Numbers, Words and Pictures...

Here's my route from this morning. It's a 3.66km, out-and-back (according to Google Earth) making 7.32km in 38 mins flat. I just checked my race calculator for the 14km City to Surf and that equates to a 1:15:34 finish time. My run on Sunday equated to 1:15:30. So there seems to be some consistency.
However, if you look at the elevation of the City to Surf (below), there is that big hill from 6 to 8km. So I think I have a little way to improve to meet my target of 1:15:00. And then there's the crowd to consider!

Thanks to Vat_Man for the above profile. Now that's why I need a GPS!
Monday, July 18, 2005
A Well Earned Rest Day...
I was in Brisbane last Friday. A really long day. I didn't have chance to get the GPS unit, it was no cheaper than I can get it in Sydney anyway.
I have however discovered another geeky 'gadget'. Google Earth. I haven't figured out how Google will make money from it yet - maybe they expect businesses to mark themselves on the map... but it is fantastic! You can zoom in on the world and view a '3-D' aerial photo. The detail is amazing - although it seems like some areas haven't been covered by the higher quality satellite yet (our suburb is much better quality than the city of Sydney).
You can also measure point-to-point or multi-point routes, which I've done for my 3 main runs.
Here's my run from yesterday:

It measures at 11.98km. My time yesterday was 1:04, which I was pleased with, although since City to Surf will have about 59,999 more runners on the road and it's a bit more hilly, I think my target time of 1:15 for the 14km has to be questioned. Still 4 weeks to go though, so we'll see!
Anyway, feeling knackered today. Didn't sleep too well as Lian jumped into our bed in the early hours. Woke up with an annoying headache.
A rest from the running today too. Back into it on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Short, Steep Hills...
I did a walk / jog warm up first, then had a quick stretch, then in to it!
Again, the run home was sooo easy - felt like it was downhill all the way, even though it's basically flat with even a little uphill!
I have to admit that I'm probably not pushing hard enough on these hill sessions. I should find a longer hill - which probably wouldn't be so steep, and expect to feel that burning sensation in my legs rather than just getting wobbly legs like I'm experiencing with this sprint hill. So, longer but less repeats.
My back feels fine today - probably I was just sitting awkwardly for a while.
No response from the shop in Brisbane on the GPS unit. So I'm prepared to wait until next week to get it in Sydney. Even though I want it NOW!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
32 days to go...
I'm in Brisbane on Friday and I've spotted a Garmin GPS at a good price in a shop close to the office where I'll be. I just need to confirm a couple of details with them and all being well, I intend to get it. Failing that there's another shop here in Sydney (Mona Vale) who reopen after their winter break next week.
I felt a bit of a twinge in my lower back yesterday, but no affects this morning either during the run or since, so that's all good.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
33 days to go...
I covered just less than 6km (5.8 I guess, but I really need that Garmin) in 28 minutes this morning. For me, that's a good pace. I didn't feel too uncomfortable at any time - apart from the obvious out-of-breathness at the end!
I couldn't find my wooly hat (think it was in the wash - perhaps I need a spare) so I had to go with my cap. As a result, my ears were bloody freezing!! Thankfully the rest of me warmed up once I got into the run.
I was unimaginative too so ran my old favourite route, but at least that has the advantage of me being familiar with the ups and downs so I can push along knowing that there's a down-hill coming up.
Maybe a hill session and another 30 minute run this week before a long one on Sunday.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Blown off Course...
It was blowing a gale all day, there were intermittent showers and it was probably not even a good idea to go out at all with tree branches falling all over the place.
But I did go out in the morning, after having a bit of breakfast and popping a few sultanas. I intended to make it a long 1 hour 15 minute run.
I started out pretty well, but that was probably because of the 30km/h wind at my back. But I soon started to feel sick – probably ate too soon before the run. I did about 7km on an out and back route, but once I came back in sight of home I decided to bin it and head back for a stretch and a shower.
So a bit disappointing really, but I’ll maybe try to fit in a longer run this week – maybe Thursday so I can still have a bit of a rest before hopefully getting back on schedule with another long run next Sunday.
Only 5 weeks to go until City to Surf, I’ve got to get the mileage under my belt. And I’d better sort out my pre-race feed time too!
I’m still keen to get hold of a GPS unit, so I’ll give one of the retailers a call and see what price I can get it for… and hopefully offset some of that cost by putting my Playstation on eBay! Don’t worry, I intend to wait until Lian is old enough then buy her (us) a state-of-the-art game system!! Don’t suppose she’ll be into Scalextric or Subbuteo!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
So Close...
I lost out on that GPS device on eBay. The auction ended at 4.30pm yesterday and I was watching my winning bid from 4.15ish. 5 minutes before the end, somebody came on and upped the bidding. We traded about 12 bids until I realised that I could get it for just a few dollars more, brand new, with warranty from a shop. So I gave up.
I can see how eBay can be addictive!
My legs have felt stiff following the hill session I did on Thursday - which I see as a good thing! A rest yesterday and today should prepare me for a long run tomorrow.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
A Glorious 12 Hours...
Then, some 200 years after stuffing the French at The Battle of Trafalgar, we stuffed them again in Singapore - London will host the 2012 Olympic Games.
And to top it all off, I did my first hill session this morning.
It was bloody cold again, so I took some time to walk then jog up to a warmed up state. I headed to a short but steep hill. I didn't time myself too closely, but I think I was running up in about 30 seconds (by which time I was starting to lose control of my legs) and then walked down in about 1 minute. I did 10 or 11 reps (lost count at 5/6), then jogged home to cool down.
It felt like replacing mountain bike tires with slicks - i.e. the hills were running with knobbly tires, the jog home was running with slicks!
Obviously (but unfortunately) the benefits will take some time to show, but it felt like a good work-out - one that I will repeat.
A couple of days of rest now before a long run on Sunday.
Still highest bidder on the GPS Unit - ends 4.30pm tomorrow! So fingers crossed!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Back to a Familiar Route...
I only did a short one today. My original 5km run in 25 minutes. I thought I'd have been quicker than that, since I felt like I was pushing along quite well and certainly put in a big effort up that last 500m hill. But I guess the slow warm-up start took a minute or so off my time.
I really should do a hill session. Maybe tomorrow. I'll have a quick look at some suggested routines to see if I need to get up any earlier. I know I'll need to allow time to warm up and cool down...
Still highest bidder on a GPS unit...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Easy, Flat Run... but Hills to Come...
I intended to run for 17+ minutes, turn round and complete 35 minutes in total. But I was so close to the end of the trail that I went a bit longer on the way out and ended up with 40 minutes on the clock. I'm not sure of the distance - hopefully 8km, but I think less.
It's still tough getting out when it's so cold, but it doesn't take long to warm up and I'm running fairly smoothly now so that's enjoyable. I should probably be pushing harder - no pain, no gain and all that!
I'm supposed to introduce some hill training so I'll have to figure out which hill to choose so I can run there to warm up, do the reps and cool down on the run back home.
Monday, July 04, 2005
A Bit Disorganised, and Sore...
But I did get out on Sunday morning. I've no idea on the distance (I'm currently highest bidder on a GPS unit on eBay) but the time was 1h15m, so I was pleased with that. I just checked the map and the distance was about 12 - 13km.
The idea of taking a different route to the usual is fine, but I think I still need 'a plan'. Because having not set a firm target I was close to quitting a few times, usually at the top of a hill (which I suppose is marginally better than at the start of the hill).
So a bit more thought in future... planning ahead. There's another 10km event in early August, which should be my last big effort before the City to Surf, so that'll be a good indicator of what kind of pace to aim for.
Now I'll just go and check on the status of my eBay bid...
Friday, July 01, 2005
Who Said "A Change is as Good as a Rest"...?
I ran a different route this morning - following the "vary your routes" advice. My traditional 5+km route was chosen as the flattest route around where I live, so now, introducing some more hills - though nothing too hard yet - should see some gradual improvements in strength.
I just went for a time, and did about 35 minutes, which was probably about 6.5km.
I really need a GPS Forerunner to measure my distances and times. I had a look at one last night: $475 for the model with Heart Rate Monitor, $269 without. At the moment, I don't want the heart rate monitor as I think it would be too much information, but hopefully, if I keep the running going, eventually I think it'll prove useful. I might have a look on eBay to see if I can get it cheaper.
I'm also tempted to enter the "Sydney Striders 10km Series" race tomorrow morning. They're half way through the series now, but there are still 2 races before City to Surf. I think these kind of challenges would be good to push me along, but I'm not really prepared to run tomorrow. I should have rested today. But will it really make that much difference.
I have the rest of the day to consider...
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Drought? Hah...
The rain woke me on and off throughout the night and so when it got me at 6am, I reached for the alarm and reset it to 7.30 as I knew there was no way I'd go for a run.
In my defence, I did try to remember the whereabouts of my rain-coat that I used to use on the bike, but I haven't seen it since returning from Singapore so couldn't take that option. I should probably try to dig it out anyway, just in case...
I'm a bit disappointed about missing the run because I was ready to embark on my new tactic of random routes (or at least not the same route every day)! I should try to go for a run tomorrow so that I can rest Saturday before a longer run on Sunday.
I bet you never knew that there were gadgets to aid running? I didn't. Well check it out. There's a range of GPS units which strap on the wrist and they will log your distance, speed. The top of the range model even records heart rate. All that data can be downloaded to PC for analysis.
No more guessing on my distances (particularly on unfamiliar routes) or wondering whether I'm going too fast or too slow. Oh sorry, I shouldn't talk too soon, I have to check the price and get permission from the boss yet!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
New Inspiration...
But that's all going to change. I've taken the advice from some new found friends and I've realised that I have to start varying my route. Goodbye to only running on the easiest route around, hello to the rest of the surrounding streets and the inevitable hills. I think I have established enough of a base now to conquer my hill-phobia.
That, in theory should keep my enthusiasm up as well as improve my strength and fitness.
And my longer runs on Sundays need to get even longer. That means I'm unlikely to see any of the Sunday Arvo Footy from now on! Hope it's worth it!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
47 days to go...
I'm really spurred on by the successful Sunday runs too. Even with the cold mornings, it's no hassle to get out of bed and get out there. Mind you, the much awaited rain in NSW is now starting to fall so I don't know how I'll cope with a cold, wet morning!
I pushed a bit harder through the middle of the run and finished in a bit quicker time than usual (less than 25 minutes anyway) but I really felt it in the last km or so. It's got to be good though, right?
Until tomorrow...
Monday, June 27, 2005
Same as Last Week...
But I still went for the long run, this time completing the same 11.7km route in 65 minutes, but managing to get back to watch the second half of the game.
I felt really good on the run again. The first 5+km circuit must be what I need to warm-up, because I (felt like I) was flying along between 8 and 11km. There are a couple of long hills which don't seem to take too much out of me now. I'm using the 'magnet pulling me up the hill' and 'falling forwards towards a point 20m ahead' techniques to get me through it.
I can't say my pace is too high on these hills nor is it for the first 5km or so, but I'm beating the mental demons by proving that I can go the distance (only another 2.3km to go to complete the City to Surf circuit) and I'm finishing with something left in the tank.
So it's all good...
Friday, June 24, 2005
Half Marathon...
I'm runner number 3398. I understand that there will be far less than the 60,000 City to Surfers taking part in the Half Marathon, so there'll be no excuses about being caught up in crowds. This race uses timing chips, so I can't even play around with my finish time either.
I intend to really make a big effort on the long Sunday runs. That's where I'm going to teach my body and mind how to run for what's likely to be close to 2 hours. Maybe I should introduce some hill training during the week too.
I've run two half-marathons in the past. The first was Portsmouth 1993, where I finished in 1:38 - which was a great effort achieved with particular assistance from the two hares I was running with that day (big thanks to Chris and Simon). The second was Singapore 2001, where I finished in 2:01 (agonisingly close to a round 2 hours).
Now considering that Singapore was typically hot and humid that day, and the organisation was terrible with no water available by the time I reached the water stations (and I certainly wasn't anywhere near the last to reach them) - I should definitely be able to beat the 2 hour mark. I should probably wait until I see how I go in the City to Surf, but if I achieve my target time of 75 minutes there then I should be in line for a 1:55 finish for the half marathon.
But a 1:45 is a much rounder number, isn't it?
Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Can it Get Any Worse...?
I was just thankful for the double layer of clothes up top and the hat to keep me warmish.
It's even too early for the sun to show through. No that doesn't occur until I'm on my way to work, shining just above the buildings, through my murky wind-screen, blinding me in the process.
Anyway, it gives me a good feeling to keep logging in the morning runs. 5.5km again this morning. That's my three weekday sessions completed, now for 3 lie-ins and a rest before the long run on Sunday.
I had a thought yesterday. Rather than wait for over a year after the City to Surf until next September's Half Marathon, why not do it this year? That only gives me 4 weeks to recover and get some extra mileage into my legs, but I could adjust my current training to get that mileage in now - I just need to make sure those long Sunday runs are in fact - long, like 20km or so!
My 75 minute target for the City to Surf extrapolates to 1:55 for the Half Marathon. I've no idea whether the course is hilly. I know it starts over the Harbour Bridge and ends up at the Opera House.
Bugger it! Why not? I'll check it out and get my entry in: then there's no turning back.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Sooooo Cold...!
Still got around the 5+km route, fairly comfortably. I keep trying to kick up the pace but I just don't seem to have anything. Is that really due to the fact that there's no fuel in the tank?
I only need to do one more run before another Sunday arvo long, slow, distance. I hope I can repeat last Sunday's efforts.
The creature visitors seem to have disappeared. There's been no noises up in the roof and the newspaper flag hasn't moved either. I guess Jack's poison attack has worked. I'll check with him to see if the bait is still being taken and also have a go at blocking the hole in the roof up this weekend. I hate ladders!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
54 days to go...
Just did the 5.5km route this morning. I realised that I've won a bit of a mental battle with the longer run on Sunday. I now know that I can run for over an hour and for over 10km, so my meager 5-6km weekday runs should be easy-easy.
I measured Sunday's route in the car last night. 11.7km. So 65 minutes for that distance extrapolates to 78:30 for the City to Surf, i.e. 3 minutes outside my target time. With 55 days to go, I should be able to gain that sort of advantage.
Monday, June 20, 2005
On a High...!
Nor am I talking about the victory that England scored over the Aussies in the one-day cricket last night. I watched the 1st innings but the 9 hour time difference prevented me from watching England bat. If the (northern) summer carries on like this though, I may be having a few sleepless nights watching the test series.
What I refer to in the title is the run I notched up yesterday.
I intended to go while the girls were at church, but they didn't rise until 9.30am by which time we all wanted to go for a big breakfast and get on with the tasks for the day.
So I ended up going just before tea - about 5.15pm. I intended to be back before 6. I even thought that was a great effort since it meant me missing the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs (my team, based on it being the local team to where I first lived in Sydney) beat the Canberra Raiders in the Rugby League on TV.
The thought had crossed my mind to follow the 10km route I'd mapped out, and just see how it went. If I got tired, I could cut it short and head home. I never really expected to complete the whole 10km.
I started off at a steady pace, following my usual 5km route. I was feeling good. I was thinking that having eaten lunch only 4 hours earlier was paying dividends.
As I came to the point at about 4km where my 10km route heads away from the 5km, I had no problem in making the turn.
There's a long steady hill at about 5.5km for 1.5km or so, which I just steadily worked up. Still feeling pretty good. That took me toward the furthest point away from home which then turns back and rejoins my 5km route. I knew that part of my normal route was fairly flat and then heads to a steep down-hill for the 10th km, so I felt confident I could complete that. I wasn't too concerned about the time, this run is supposed to be "long, slow, distance".
So back onto my familiar route through kms 7, 8 & 9, I was amazed how good I felt. So good in fact that I thought I could go a bit further. So I passed the street which would've finished the 10km and headed to the next side-street which in fact would be the same finish as my 5km route. Hang on is that getting confusing? Let me re-read that... No, I think that makes sense.
I discovered that I could run easier if I "stiffened my feet" - or at least that's what it felt like. Rather than plodding along, I found that I could bounce off my toes, using my feet and calves more.
I really felt like I could just keep going, rather like Forrest Gump when he started running. But then I thought I'd better not push it too far and cause injury or too much soreness to run this week.
I think I did about 11.5km in 65 minutes. I had a good stretch when I got home, a hot shower and then a big bowl of lamb curry stew and rice for tea. Yum, yum!!
So as a reward, I took this morning off. I'm glad I did because my heels feel very sore. I'll run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - then rest Friday and Saturday before hopefully repeating yesterdays effort next Sunday.
Friday, June 17, 2005
No, Rest for the Wicked...
No, I didn't go for a run this morning. I felt like 3 runs already this week was enough and a couple of rest days would refresh me for a good long run on Sunday (I hope nothing distracts me from that).
The possums are obviously having a rest too. No sound of them running and jumping up in the roof space for the last couple of nights. I still need to get up there to take a look at what they're up to though.
Until next week...
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Heh, Not So Fast...
Perhaps I was delayed more than I thought by the car that almost knocked me over... some idiot backing out of his driveway wasn't looking where he was going, so I had to swerve around him with a hope that he'd stop before he got to the road (he did). I managed to get a couple of slaps in on his boot lid and gave him a "what the f..." look.
But that's OK, I'm on track this week to get 4 runs in plus a longer run at the weekend.
No further news on the possums, but we think we've spotted where they're getting into the roof... more to follow on this me thinks!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
That must have been 7km...
I have to admit that I almost binned it though. I don't think I slept too well last night and this has been too easy an excuse for me to reset the alarm in the past. So good that I dug deep and got out.
I'll have to check with Shirl, but I'm sure I heard some scurrying in the roof last night. I suspect that we have some possums hiding from the cold. Either that or I was dreaming. At first I thought it was Lian who'd woken up and was wandering about, but I checked and she was sound asleep in bed.
Better put in a call to the pest controllers...